
Can you please answer some happy hockey questions???!!!???

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I am in a great mood today…the start of free agency. To commemorate my great mood…how about some happy, non-negative questions?

1. It is Mike Eastwood’s birthday! He played for SEVEN different teams during his 13 seasons in the NHL. What would be the best thing about playing for so many teams?

2. Do you Canadians all get off of work for Canada Day? Americans, do you get off of work for Independence Day? Going to any parades, shows, or fireworks displays?

3. Chris Chelios. What a guy. When did you enjoy Chris the most…while he played for the Habs, Hawks, or now for the Wings?

4. Your friend has bought a box of popsicles & they are the typical flavors of cherry, orange, & grape. What flavor do you pick?

5. What NHL player seems to be the happiest with his life? Why?

6. What is the best thing that has happened to you today?

7. If Scotty Bowman came out of retirement, do you think he could make the Thrashers a Stanley Cup winning team?




  1. 1. you have the inside scoop of the less - known bars and restaurants in seven cities, and can hook up seven different sets of teammates.

    2. American, my place of work gives me the day off. because of the 2 kids, we're not going to any fireworks, cuz they'll be (trying to) asleep (yeah right). however, the oldest went to fireworks a few days ago w/ her grandparents while mom stayed home w/ the little stinker, while dad was away on business.

    3. even though i'm a wings fan, i think his glory years were as a blackhawk, roughing up the faces of the likes of Gallant, Zombo, Ysebaert, Jimmy Carson, Ray Sheppard, Primeau, Probie, Racine, McCrimmon, Fedyk, Chiasson, and others. great battles. legendary scars. especially Vlad the Impaler and Cheliosaurus. besides, he was in his prime on the power play and generally as a 2-way defencemen.

    4. grape. orange is too ... bracing. cherry is too ... sweet.

    5. yzerman. quiet confidence. put family first. didn't compromise his integrity. knows who he is and isn't looking for approval.

    6. this question. (actually, it was when my wife surprised me and called me at work to see how i was doing.) but it IS nice to see a question w/ some thought and creativity to it.

    7. no, but he would make them a consistent contender. it's not that simple where merely changing the coach changes everything. you gotta have a good front office, that is consistently devoted to making strategically good decisions. but the coach is probably the single largest piece. if you gave him control of both, he could do some damage, and given enough time, he has as good of a chance as anyone, if it could be done.

  2. 1. moving to new places

    2. I don't work, but i think some people get off work for independence day. I'm going to see fireworks and Josh Kelley is preforming at a festival and then at some bar that my parents friends own so i'm going to get to meet him!

    3. The wings, because its amusing to watch an old man play

    4. Cherry, grape makes me want to puke

    5. i'm not sure

    6. a short break from my three hour swim practice

    7. h**l yeah, they'd be awesome

  3. 1 getting to play with lots of different/unique players

    2 uh im american and yes we get off for 4th of july. most people do have fireworks but with the drought we have its not a safe idea

    3 well i liked him last year with the wings but not this year because well they beat us in the finals

    4 grape for sure

    5 well i think hossa will be because he is going to try to get as much money as he possibly can and 7 million is not enough for him

    6 um i saw the Jonas Brother episode for like the 50th time haha i have no life

    7 no i dont think he could make them be good because well hossa and kovalchuk couldnt do it so i dont think just he could

  4. 1.  Different cities, get to meet and play with a lot of great players

    2. Yes- we get this Friday off!  We are going to work in the house and finish the living room!  YAY!

    3.  I loved hating him as a Hawk- and was never so pleased when he became a Wing and I really became a fan of his.  He is awesome!   He is great withthe fans and he has always been so nice to me when I have seen him and talked to him.  I have never bugged him though- I admire mostly from a distance, I dont need to hound the players like some people do- besides, I already have his autograph and my photot taken with him, what more do I need?  Oh that is easy- 10 more years of him playing hockey- that is what I need!  OMG  I just went off on a tangent.  Hey you asked about my favorite hockey player!  :)

    4.  Orange!

    5. Darren McCarty-He just got a second chance after all the c**p he went through.  Now all he can do is appreciate what he has, and really enjoy it.  

    6.  I upgraded to the high pressure tanning bed today and got like 5 shades darker!

    7.  Yes- look what he did with the Wings!

    Hey Tom- #18 on your list- lol- try trimming a sled dogs nails and see them turn into the wimpiest, scardey cat dog you have ever seen!  ;)  LOL!

  5. 1) Just basic expierience and the pleasure of getting to play with such awesome players/teams

    2) I have a 3-day vaca off of work for Independence day ...we usually just go to a park where they have firework shows...always fun :)

    3) Well considering the fact that I'm a Wings

    4) Orange I love the Citrus taste

    5) Nick Lidstrom probably. Has great kids, best defenseman in the NHL, just won the SC for the 4th time in his Career, Captain of the best team in the NHL, and 6 time norris trophy winner. Seems pretty happy to me. (I know i'd be jolly as ever just being a bench warmer in the NHL)

    6) uhh...I found the last of the Resses puff cereal that i got to enjoy this morning

    7) Well not right away, but eventually yeah.

  6. 1. Roadies!

    2. I'm a Russian living in the U.S, I don't apply to either.

    3. Wings baby!

    4. Cherry. Gotta go with red, always.

    5. Alex Ovechkin. He celebrates all the time, and has everything going for him.

    6. Waking up at 2:00 pm. It's 2:30 pm at the moment lmao.

    7. Absolutely.

  7. 1) The new and exciting travel. nothing like getting lost in a new city trying to find the grocery store

    2)Since I am still looking for a job. I will be off for the fourth as of right now. I have no real plans to do anything. But I can see the beach fireworks from my backyard if I really wanted to see them

    3)When he was a Hawk. When I really first noticed him


    5)Ovie. He just always seems to to be so happy on the ice and off it.

    6)Nothing yet. Still waiting on one thing. If that happens I will be on cloud nine

    7)No I really don't. Unless the Thrashers Revamp the whole team.

  8. 1. You'd never need to buy another garden sweater again. Seven teams home and away and three practice sweaters would be 35 jerseys. Purrfect never need another casual sweater again. That and seven team windbreakers you would have formal wear for life.(Canadian style).

    2. Canada shuts down for Canada Day. Stores are closed and everybody goes to a picnic. We just got back from one in Trenton. There were even guys falling out of airplanes. Fireworks at darkl.

    3.  When he was opening restaurants. If he came to Toronto he could bar hop with Kypper on the Danforth. (Greek Town) I also enjoyed Chris when he tried out for the Greek Bobsled team.

    4. If it has to be one of those I pick cherry. My favourite though was the blue one whatever flavour it was.

    5. Cujo has come home.

    6.  I hugged a serviceman and said thanks.

    7.  No because he'd be working for Nashville or Florida.

    Special treat from Canada

    Proud to be Canadian!


                   CANADIAN   eh!

                 So, What Do Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ?

                1. Smarties

                2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp

                3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls.

                4. Baseball is Canadian - First game June 4, 1838 - Ingersoll , ON

                5. Lacrosse is Canadian

                6. Hockey is Canadian

                7. Basketball is Canadian

                8. Apple pie is Canadian

                9. Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers

                10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts

                11. In the war of 1812, started by America , Canadians pushed  the Americans back past their 'White House'. Then we burned it...and most of Washington .. We got bored because they ran away, so we came home and partied...Go  figure.

                12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to  Germany .

                13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere.  EVER.

                14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and it lasted a little over an hour.

                15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary,who slept in and missed the whole thing...but showed up  just in time to get caught.

                16. A Canadian invented Standard Time.

                17. The Hudson 's Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company.

                18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3  minutes.

                19. We still know what to do with all the parts of a buffalo.

                20. We don't marry our kin-folk.

                21. We invented ski-dos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, zambonis, the telephone, and short wave radios that save countless lives each year.

                22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it.

                23. A Canadian invented Superman.

                24. We have coloured money.

                25. Our beer advertisements kick ***.

                BUT MOST IMPORTANT!

                24. The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on.  OOOoohhhhh Canada !!

                25. We don't bomb our allies. Oh yeah...  our elections only take one day.

  9. 1. Seeing who are the best fans, and seeing all of those cities and not just going for a ight and leaving, but really being able to see the city.

    2. Can't wait to see fireworks on the 4th :]

    3. Wings

    4. Cherry

    5. I don't know..A lot of the older family guys do and then there's a lot of young single guys just living it up...tough to say really.

    6. I thought when I woke up it was 1:30, but it was only 11:30, so maybe I'll be able get to sleep tonight. And my friend sent me this..

    7. No.

  10. 1. I had a friend who played in the NHL and the WHA who was traded about six times. His dad, a real estate agent, advised him to buy and keep a house in each city and then use an agency to rent them out when he had to move on. He ended up with five or six houses that were worth 10-times what he paid for them when his career was over. Ca-ching!

    2. No work on Canada Day. I'm watching the festivities on the tube from Ottawa and watching the NHL trades on TSN. Fireworks everywhere tonight, but I like the ones they blast off over Niagara Falls, near where I live.

    3. I liked Chelios' game when he was in Montreal; I liked the way he looked in a Blackhawks uniform ... his face matched the crest; I like the example he sets as a 45 year old for young players in Detroit in terms dedication, preparation and love for the game.

    4. There IS only orange.

    5. Sean Avery. The guy makes millions but talks  one of the biggest magazines in the world ... Vogue ... into giving him a summer job as an apprentice at minimum wage.

    6. Once again, I woke up.

    7. Forgetting his age, maybe as a coach, in time. I don't think he was quite as good as a GM (but I'd give him a shot).

  11. 1.Get to live in different cites and meet different players.

    2.Well i don't work yet. But i am going to a barbeque and the park to watch fireworks on the 4th.

    4.hmm...... grape

    5.It seems like alot of players are happy but the family guys seem happy with there lives. I would say Lidstrom just because he has won the cup several times, he is one of the best defensemen, and he seems like a great family man.

    6.Well its only 12:30 so i haven't done anything really

  12. 1. Meeting  new people and seeing all new areas.

    2. I'm not a big fan of the fireworks. They get sorta annoying and it seems to be the same fireworks year after year.

    3. Ah, I've never been a fan of him sorry.

    4. I don't l**k popsicles, I'm not a fan of them.

    5. Nicklas Lidstrom

    6. Well, so far it has all sucked. I'm on my laptop at work. Was going to have company over for dinner but I heard around an hour ago they cancelled.

    7. He could if everything fell into place for him. It'd defineatly be tough.

  13. 1.) Getting to live in a bunch of different places, and experiencing the culture.  Playing with lots of different teammates, coaches, and in different arenas.

    2.) Yeah, pretty much everyone gets off of work for 4th of July.  Not going to the fireworks.  They are SOOO lame in my town.

    3.) Red Wings

    4.) Grape!  That's the best one!!

    5.) Lidstrom maybe.  He just won the Cup for the 4th time with the same team, he's captain, he seems like he has a happy supportive family.

    6.) I don't have work today, and I woke up at 12:00. :-)

    7.) Yes!  He can do EVERYTHING.  Maybe give them a year though.

  14. 1.) Laying pipe in 7 different cities!!

    2.)I'm off Friday(USA) BBQ at my house Friday then unveiling of a new bar my boy and I built on Saturday.

    3.)The Hawks. Him Roeneck and Belfor that was a team!!!

    4.)Grape is favorite.....Blue is a little less favorite but still favorite!!!

    5.) Stamkos....Right now he just got picked #1 over all...the worlds your oyster Kid!!!

    6.)I have an awards dinner for my dart league tonight.Plus the rumor of Shanny and Campbell to the Devils.

    7.)nah the curse of the Atlanta Flames will make any team there "Burn" away...sorry.

  15. 1. You get to taste the food from all those cities

    2. I live right on the US-Canadian border, so I'm going to see the fireworks tonight(I hope) and also on the fourth. I have to work at my towns parade on the fourth, so I'll be there

    3. Wings is how I remember him

    4. I love orange, so I'd choose that. I hate anything that is grape flavored

    5. Probably Malone right now, maybe Hossa or Campbell in a few hours

    6. I'm done with work :D

    7. No

  16. 1) You'd know what they were capable of doing if you were playing against them. You learn what they normally do since you've played with them for a long time

    2) I don't work =) There are fireworks 2 minutes away from me so i walk down the hill to watch them.

    3) i don't enjoy him at all lol probably for the wings. cause we didn't play against him.

    4) chery! i HATE grape. and i hate artificial orange things.

    5) Ryan Malone. Who doesn't love getting more money than you're probably worth? =P

    6) i woke up and i'm still alive.

    7) i'd have to say probably not... it takes more than one person to make a winning team.

  17. 1. Make a lot of fans and friends. More connections.

    2. Not everywhere, my dad had to go to work and some malls were open (Eaton Centre, Vaugn Mills) because they are tourist attractions. I went to Eaton Centre today with my mom and sister. Later I have to go to my skating lessons.

    3. I've only been watching hockey for about 3 years now so I'm gonna say Wings.

    4. Cherry, if no cherry then orange. Anything grape flavoured except grapes usually tastes disgusting.

    5. Ovechkin, always has a smile on his face and making jokes.

    6. Going shopping, didn't really buy that much though.

    7. Scotty Bowman could make ANY team a Stanley Cup winning team.

  18. 1) Variety of Restaurants, but more importantly lots of former teams to hire you as a pro scout when you retire.

    2) In theory yes although this year I am an honorary American, I am working today- gotta catch up on billing  etc and a quiet empty office with no phone ringing is the place to do it.  I will probably F off in a couple of hours.  I will take Friday off instead and make it a long weekend.

    3) Habs but I am biased

    4) Cherry

    5) Vincent lecavalier, always happy working with charity etc... the new contract probably helped the happiness factor.

    Back in the day Lyle odelien- always smiling and laughing- probably had been knocked senseless.

    6) so far woke up, actually when I got in here to this empty office and realized one other guy had the same Idea and he had made coffee.

    7) not in his remaining lifetime...... remember his Buffalo years- he doesn't do miracles.

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