
Can you please answer these for me?

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I'm a hairstylist and I'm just curious about a few things.

1) What made you choose the hairstylist you currently go to?

2) What would get you to change stylists?

3) What kind of special promotion would motivate you to try someone new?

Thanks for your answers!




  1. I'm a hairstylist also!

    1. I work with her and she's really the only qualified person in our crew

        that I feel can cut my hair. I'm not picky, but I have very curly hair

        and some people CAN'T cut natural curl.

    2. If I could find someone that can cut my natural curl without leaving it

        a total mess.

    3. Haircut specials and Product specials would probably do it for me,

        plus....if they can cut my hair!

  2. 1.she gives me advice...and she cuts hair evenly and does really good layers

    2.i usually go to the hairstylist with my

    3.i dunno

  3. 1 I chose my hairstylist first of all because she lives close to me, second because I can trust her, she hasn't messed up my hair ever since I started going to her, plus she's full of suggestions!

    #2 I would probably change my hairstylist if he or she was rude to me or didn't do a good job on my cut dye etc.

    #3 I'm not really sure if u have ur own salon if it was nice and clean I would expect a good hair stylist to work there.

    Hope my answers helped!

  4. 1. it's me.. so i chose to style my own hair

    2. if i went to a hair stylist and they messed up my hair to a bad bad bad extent.

    3. some kind of half off deal. or free hair cut with a purchase of hair coloring or something like that.

  5. 1) The hairstylist I currently go to is a cheap, affordable, yet really good hairstylist. My mom also goes to him.

    2) In order for me to change hairstylists, they'd have to be just as affordable, and have the patience to understand what I want to do with my hair.

    3) For your first haircut, you get $15 off or somethign like that.  

  6. 1) i trust them that they will always give me a great cut. i like someone who i can go to not knowing what i want to do with my hair, and instead of treating me like i was stupid when i didnt know what i want, they give me several options they could do, and if i dont like that they can still think up more.

    2) i would change if i heard someone was better, or if they quit their job to have a baby like mine did :'(

    3) i'm not sure, as long as i can trust that they will give me a good cut i'll go to anyone.

  7. one- it's my moms best friend, and i love her

    two- they do the exact opposite of what i asked for

    three- nothing.

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