
Can you please describe me the sounds that guinea pigs make and why they do them?

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guinea pigs




  1. it is typically a high pitched squeal

    they might be lonely, uncomfortable, hurt, angry

  2. They sound like little aliens. Here's a guide to their sounds.


  4. It is a high squeak, ( that is their excited sound) They also purr (that is their content sound) and then will chirp, it is more like a clicking of teeth (that is their every day sound)

    They make those sounds because of the environment around them they will know when you are there and when its time to eat.

    They are funny animals, because they have a great personality and a wonderful life spend!

  5. Guinea pigs make a high-pitched squeaking noise. This can be to show their excitement (when they are going crazy, running around their cage.) or if they are hungry, thirsty, etc.

    Here are some more specific examples.

    COO...  A gentle cooing sound is made from Mum to babies. It is an indication all is well. A similar sound is made by a happy content pig, maybe when you are cuddling or grooming him or when he is tucking into his favourite food.

    PURR....This is usually made by an amorous pig and is accompanied by twitching of the hips and swaying of the body.

    LOUD PURR...Similar but louder than the above. This is an indication of aggression. The guinea pig often marches on the spot while making this noise.

    TEETH CHATTER..... This is a noise usually directed at another pig but can occasionally be directed at humans too. The pig is upset and annoyed and it is a warning signal to keep away.. Be careful as this is one of the rare instances you may get bitten. The teeth chatter is more often than not accompanied by a side swaying  " war dance ".

    MOAN....This sounds almost like a whinging child when he wants something he is not allowed. The noise seems to come from the back of the throat. It is often directed to  pig B who wants to get close and snuggle up, whilst pig A just wants his own space and be left alone for a while.

    LOW PITCHED..... This is like a buzz in the background when pair or groups of pigs seem to be chattering amongst themselves.  

    HIGH PITCHED SQUEAK.....This is when a pig is most annoyed.

    CONTINUOUS HIGH SQUEAKS....This  most of you will have heard and happens  when your pig is excited and has smelled something good. Maybe when you bring your pig something nice to eat. Sometimes when he smells a pig of the opposite s*x. This is the  sound most associated with guinea pigs.

    VERY HIGH PITCHED SQUEAL...This is a warning  sign of danger or a cry of pain from your pig.

  6. They purr when they're happy or when they're enjoying something

    They screetch when they want food, are hurt, upset or anything they dont like

    They screech when they are look for the other guinea pigs like a "weeet weeet" noise.

    They make a horrible noise when they are terrified or terribly hurt that is very very loud screaming noise

    When they are going into labor they make a ..loud cough groan noise.

    When they are stressed out they will make a sound like a bird.

    They make a lot of different noises and also it depends on your guinea pig. I own 5 right now.

    If you also go to Guinea pig noises on Wikipedia or just guinea pig it will show you the sounds and give you a place that will let you listen to them all.

  7. they range from sort of a contented chirping to squealing.

    Normally, the just sort of chirp to themselves as they look around for food.

    When they are scared or injured they squeal.

    They pretty much make noises all the time, its normal.  I think chirping all the time makes them feel safe since they aren't hearing other guinea pigs making sounds that alarm them.  When starts to squeal, they all start to get nervous.

  8. moo

  9. Guinea pigs make a horrendous screeching sound like a thousand tiny fingernails being drawn across innumerable blackboards within two centimeters of your eardrum.  Why do they do them?.........    because they are stupid, useless creatures.

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