
Can you please determine the accurecy of the following sentence about anhydrous ammonia?

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" Anhydrous ammonia has the potentail to kill within minutes by asphyxiation if inhald, swallowed or absorbed through the skin"




  1. Ammonia is small enough to go thru the pores in the skin and across the aveioli straight into your blood.  There it immediately dissolves into your blood, and among other things raises the pH to a fatal level (> 10 versus 7.4).

    While blood acidification in theory would fix the problem, you have to do it immediately (like within seconds).  Also, hitting pH's around 7 are harder than any other to hit, and it would be real easy to not give enough acidifier or give too much (and kill you via the acidification).

    It's rough stuff, Maynard.  Don't play with it.

  2. That is absolutely correct.  My mother works at an agricultural company and they sell that stuff by the tanker full.  There is at least one accident with it each season.  Most of the time it's due to inhalation but I know that you can't touch it and if you swallowed it you would undoubtedly die!

  3. First response is correct in every detail.  The stuff must be treated as poison, because it is.

  4. I'm pretty sure anything has the ability to kill within minutes if inhaled with the exception of air.

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