I have to write an artical about the future of the US or something i think, uh, yeah, here's the directions:
Explain in your own words the problems facing the US now and in the futture? please include the following:
1. national Security
2. Foreign affair
3. domestic affair (education, Health care, Infrustrore, Immigration)
4. Energy Independent
but i'm not sure i understand. tomorrow's the 3rd day of school, we haven't gone over any of this yet and i'm lost. it doesn't help that i'm a jouniou and it's a senior course....
so can you exlain it a bit to me? the 1-4 i mean, i kinda get it, but i don't get how to write it. Um, like the condition ot it all now and stuff. what exactly would be concidered national security? like war? would that go with it? the only one i think i have a good grasp on is 3.
thanks in advance for help, and i'm not asking you to do it for me, i;'m a good writer, i just don't understand it, just explain it and then i'll be able to write it. thanks!!! ^_^