
Can you please give your personal opinion on the first 6 images?

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i just randomly took these. dont know whether they are any good or not.




  1. Youve got talent, their all very good, photo 2 is a bit wonky though, but like what you tried to do - good work

  2. YES!! They are awesome! you should do more!

  3. as a semi professional photographer i would say they are very good you have a lot of talent

  4. THey are good. Well done.

  5. I think the first two, and kinda the last one too, are really good. The others are pretty and technically good, but the first two and sorta the last one have artistic style - I think it is the way they create atmosphere.

    The first has a sparseness and colouring which is haunting, and the second has a particular tonal feeling to it.

    The last one is similar.

    For the others, I think they would be drastically improved by different lighting. Not that I'm telling you to control the weather or anything lol! You can photoshop some of that stuff with light and colour.

    Really good.

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