We have a gorgeous 4 year old spayed female cat and a 6 month old male fixed kitten. Over the last month the female has started to pee on the carpet, instead of the litter tray.
The litter hasnt changed and i have 2 trays out, she has passed them to go pee on the living room carpet!
The trays are cleaned out several times a day, and completely washed out 1-2 times a week and fresh litter put in.
One tray has the wooden pellets and the other has clay. She has used both before.
She still does her dirt in the tray, its not all the time that she pees elsewhere. Trays havent moved location.
We have a child whose just beginning to crawl, my husband is cracking up with finding pee about, he wants me to rehome her. My child does come first but i cant rehome her.
When she pees i do clean it with barcarbonate soda (sorry spelt wrong) and tea tree oil as i heard thats the only thing that really cleans it properly. However she doesnt use the same place twice. She has peed in a bedroom, then a towel in the bathroom and lately the living room (theres been more times)
Shes been to the vet and he cant find anything to explain why she does it.
Please can someone maybe explain why after this length of time she would be doing this, then i wont have to rehome her