
Can you please help me, it really hurts!?

by  |  earlier

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for the past 3 days i've had a terrible cold. But it didn't start off as a cold. The first 2 days i was so weak i could not get out of bed and when i did i fell over because i was so dizzy. Now i have a blocked nose and a very painful sharp pain in my chest.

Whats causing this sharp pain in my chest? could this be very serious?




  1. umm they invented docters ya know...

  2. It could be a chest infection. I'd go and see your GP for a proper diagnosis.

    Get Well Soon :)

  3. You might have pneumonia  and inflammation of the lining of your lungs.. I had it once and it was very painful. You don't state whether you  have a fever. If you do have a fever you need antiiotics and an antiimflamatory drug for the chest pain., and a chest xray.. I know it sucks spending 3 emerge just make sure you tell the triage nurse that you have chest pain and   dizzynes and they'll take you quicker.goodluck

  4. you could have pneumonia. call your doctor. you don't need to play guessing games. you need to find out the truth and get treated for whatever it is.

  5. Hi,

    right now i can tell you that the pain in your chest is related to the fact that you have been coughing for the past few days. I'm a paramedic and I've spent half of my night shift treating people like yourself. The pain in your chest is what we call pluretic chest pain and basically the lying in your lung is creating friction so when you cough and breath it causes the sharp pain and due to the fact that you are sick i might have become inflammed. Now you could go to hospital to get it checked out or your could wait to go see your local doctor.  Just by what you have said ie the cold/flu like symptoms and sharp pain in your chest I'm very confident in that its not your heart and doesn't sound to be serious so can relax a bit. But the choice is yours. You can go to your hospital to get it checked out or you can what and see. Feel free to email if you want any other answers.

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