
Can you please help me ? Can you please?

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Am I evil? Can you please help me?

Can you help me? I need to know something ok?

Sometimes I feel like there is something evil in me.

It comes out very rarely - but when it does - it seems like I breath more like an animal. I have an evil look in my eyes and I feel so much rage in that moment.

Question: I had a dream last night where the lady who plays the exorcist's mother. Only in my dream she was my mother and walking towards me. I felt this evil feeling in my dream - like it wanted my soul but I am a devoted Christian.

I kind of feel a pull from both sides - esp. in my dreams.

Last night was the weirdest. I was walking on this dirt road all alone - grey sky - and this truck was coming towards me. II felt so lonely and that moment felt so ominous. The wind was blowing hard in that dream and that truck coming toward me represented something evil. I just felt like I was evil and that scene just reminded me of that "pull". Then I had my next dream where that lady was my mother and wanting me to be her evil child.

I woke up freaked out and scared.

What do you honestly think? What is with that dream man?

It happened again today. My worst day today. I felt that thing in me. Breathing weird and feeling rage again. People can sense it and feel it - so they look at you strange - which makes me hate them even more. It is a strong thing that makes me a mean person. Like I laughed today cause I wanted to throw my drink at a truck driving by - in that moment I felt compelled to do it and laugh. But I didn't.

I don't know what to do sometimes as it takes over me and is so strong. I never do anything though.

My teacher told me when I was young I had no Conscience.

Then my friend (a doctor) said if someone shaved my head they would find 3 digits on it. Then my Auntie's friend called me a devil one time when she was mad at me.

Let me know ok.




  1. you are asking this question aren't you?You are worried about this characteristic of being evil, you don't like it, and it scares you.All this makes you not evil.

    No child has a conscience when they are young.That is somethign we deveklo over time, something you show you have by asking this.The doctor, probably being sarcastic, and your aunts friend was mad at you.When my dad and brother got into an argument a few years back, he said he thoughtg my brother was possessed, which he sin't.

    As for the breathing and rage thing, got to a  doctor and get their opinion on this, not someone off of the internet.As for your dreams, they coukld be jsut your own worries over this.

  2. No you are not evil. But you do seem as if you have some childhood issues you need to work out. Quit stressing over the question whether you're evil or not, find a good psychiatrist and talk to them about anything that happened to you in the past that might have left you feeling this way.

    But most of all, relax and believe that you are a good person. And stay away from anyone who tells you otherwise.

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