
Can you please help me?? (((IT NEVER STOPS)))?

by  |  earlier

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I just wanted to know how do you get will power and stop a binge eating habbit. I've tried so many times to get better in eating and i always say that i wil start tomorow but tomorow never seems to come its been 1 year now. I have been gainging weight like crazy, SO can someone please tell me how do you get willpower and stop yourself from eating something bad??????????????????????




  1. see a doctor??

  2. watch the simpsons or s*x and the city. it helps. lol.

    i gained 7 lbs in one month, just cuz i was bored. occupy urself.

    or eat huge meals, like just 3 a day though. or binge on healthy food.


  3. I'd say drink a lot of water will fill you up and if you're still hungry try eating fruits or veggies and if you're still hungry well at least try to eat smaller portions ..I lost a lot of weight by eating the same food but smaller portions seemed the more I ate the more I was hungry ex:instead of eating 2 hamburgers I cut down to 1 .Your stomach seems to get smaller and it takes less to fill you up.

  4. Check out the Motivation section of the website below.  I hope it helps you like it did me.  There are several pages about motivation, but I especially liked the first one...good luck!

  5. Well what I go to the store and buy things that are extremely good for you.  Pleanty of proteins, veggies, and fruits.  Tell yourself to completely eliminate soda..don't even buy it...and don't buy fast food, and if you have to (when you're in a hurry) get something lighter in calories.  Treat yourself every friday to a good piece of cake or ice cream cone or something you that you still get a taste of the good stuff, but not a belly full.  Allowing yourself to have a "cheat day" will take away the urge to binge eat a lot!  You really have to want to get fit in order to maintain a diet like you just have to buy what you know is good to put in your body.  If you buy cookies and will eat just don't buy them so you can complain later :-/.  I honestly carry water everywhere I go, and have a protein bar handy in case an urge comes on to eat something I know I shouldn't (I'm a fitness instructor).  So the key to this is just training yourself :). Good Luck!

    p.s- Find some good diet books, so when you buy some good foods you can find fun ways of cooking them!

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