
Can you please help me? dont know what to do?

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im 15 and i have this friend that i speak to at school but not really out of school called dale. when he did come out because he normally goes with his friends from his primary school because he doent live near any of us. but anyway, we were standing in few groups and then it was me with my best friend and her boyfriend and his friend. dale then came up behind me and frightened me so i turned around and hit him in the stomach in a jokey way. he then came up behind me and put his arms around me at the front and put his head on my shoulders and stayed there for a while but i thought it was just friendly because i hug my best guy friend and stay there for a while but it doenst mean anything and everyone knows this but back to me and dale and anyway he then put his head closer to mine so that it was his head on my shoulders and right against my head and i took his hands and took them off me and turned around and danced like funnily with him and he then put his arms around me front ways, pulled me closer to him and hugged me for a while but not long. he then let go so i stepped back and he said you look nice tonight. i said thanks and hugged him quickly. we went to the other park to meet up with some more people he walked with me and if someone tried to get inbetween us he would stop and get back in beside me but we werent even talking or anything. when we got to the park he kept on looking at me and winking when i looked at him but didnt come over.

what is happening and what should i do?




  1. he might be interested in you as more then a friend but he might have been clinging to you because you were one of the only people he was close to there. And if you guys hug and stuff anyways he might have just been being friendly. You could mention to him that it was sort of weird when you were hanging out

  2. he likes you give him a chance cuz it looks like he respects you from what you wrote up there

  3. Talk to him.  It sounds like he likes you a lot.  He's probably really nice too from the sounds of it.  Just take it slow though.  Build a relationship.

  4. Aw, he likes you. THAT'S SO CUTE.

    He seems like a sweet guy. Aww I'd love it if my boyfriend did that... You lucky girl! Lol

    Do you like him? Because he obviously likes you.

    If you are interested in him. Smile when he winks at you. Blush a little if your flattered, and dont be afraid to. After you allow yourself to open up to him a little, he will probably ask you out =) Let him hug you if he's not being too forward, and show him you like him too.

    He sounds like he's not worried about asking you out, so I wouldnt worry about making any sudden moves. Enjoy the attention!

    Good luck Sweetie ^^

  5. He obviously really likes you. This entire thing is up to you, now. If you like him, go for it, and don't lead him on.

    If you don't, tell him.

  6. Sounds like he likes ask him.

  7. do you like him?

    i would just tell him one way or the other

    so if you like him back flirt back

    but if you feel that you would rather just be friends kinda tell him that if you can't say it relay it in your actions

    so when he hugs you from behind stay like that for a minute and then shake him off and go to talk to someone Else

    hope it helps


  8. he like you.

    if you like him, talk to him more and build a relationship.

    unless he flirts like that with everybody

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