
Can you please help me figure out what this is

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I have these little red bumps that almost look like pimples on the left side of my waist. They really hurt but I don't know what they are. There is just a little patch of them over there but no where else on my body. What do you think this is?




  1. pimples from sweating. or a heat rash.

  2. eeewww!!!! maybe there like ingrown hairs or sumthin. tell ur parents

  3. Since you say that the red bumps "really hurt" and my experience of heat rash and insect bites (the two obvious possibilities) is that neither of those hurt, it seems to me there is an unpleasant possibility it's an outbreak of Herpes Zoster, commonly known as shingles. This Herpes is not the really embarrassing sort of Herpes, but rather the virus that causes good old chickenpox. It's still pretty unpleasant, though, so if that's what you've got, you have my sympathy.

    The Wikipedia article has pictures if you want to compare.

  4. Could be heat rash like the guy above me said. Maybe Psoriasis?

    Advice: Wear loose fitting clothing and apply some cortisone cream to the affected area for a few days.

    Another scary idea: Bed bug bites. Boil your bed linens & replace your mattress.

  5. i know what u have..just go to a doctor and he will give u a cream to apply on that pimples for maybe two weeks and it will be gone .   :)

    best wishes..

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