
Can you please help me out? Thank you.?

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I'm sorry for having doubts about my faith in God. But I still believe. It is very hard though because read below.

My Pastor and I have been good friends for 1 year.

He has been my mentor and father figure.

We've had our ups and downs. That is when he gives me tough love. He always seems to win our disputes cause he gives rebukes me and then cuts me off - giving me the silent treatment.

Well we had our first big fight cause I was mad at him for something. He went on holidays and I was being a boot to him when he got back. That's how it all started.

So he did his usual routine of cutting me off and then I tried to change the table and say I am cutting him off and saying good bye.

I since apologized for my behaviour and said I still didn't want to talk to him tough.

Then I tried to send him a funny email and he didn't reply. I'm getting the silent treatment pretty bad.

Did he forsake me for good? He can be so stubborn in our fights. I hate the silent treatment - it hurts.

Can you please let me know what to do? Did he forsake me for good

Update: I sent him an email today asking if he was mad at me. I said sorry again. He still has not responded.

P.s. I am very young and my pastor is 60





  1. You have hurt his ego. He is egoistic and he can not find himself fail in front of a girl. He might not be liking to get defeated by anyone. Almost all people are like him and hence, there is no peculiarity in his attitude.

    Now, you know that you have hurt him and you apologized for it. It is good that you told him you were sorry for everything; but still, it might not be able to bring in any sudden result. Some feelings take time to get healed. A wounded mind is not easily curable. Hence, what you can do now is to forget the matter for a while. Take all these issues out of your mind and stop communicating with him immediately. Do not try to call him, email him nor contact him. Leave it if you want him back. Only time can make things straight. Instead of carrying your pastor in mind, carry Lord Jesus and entrust this issue to him. Take rest and God bless.

  2. Hun you need to find a new church and pastor. The key to Christianity is forgiveness and if you are not getting thar from a pastor of all people you need to find one that actually practices what he preaches!

    He is not treating you with faithful concern and this is something you should think about before contacting him again.


  3. Please see your identical question from yesterday morning, my advice is the same as it was then.

  4. Matthew 16:23

    Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

  5. You should doubt. Or question. When someone cuts you off that way and give you the silent treatment they are often changing the subject off of the issue.

    Just because he is your father figure you may assume he is correct and you would like to make him proud but believing in god should not be the reason. The bible is a bunch of metaphors to take into account when living your life and trying to be a good person. It seems like you only believed in god when you guys were on good terms because he would talk you into and guilt trip you into believing and out of questioning it.

    You don't always have to blindly take what people say as fact even though he may be a pastor, he is still human. And if you really wanted to believe, it wouldn't have to depend on him talking to you or not. He's just guilt tripping you. Parent figures do that, they manipulate you believing they are doing what is in your best interests but that is not always the case. Good Luck!

  6. Your pastor and you seem to thrive on being contentious with each other.  This seems to be a very unhealthy relationship.  He cuts you off when you speak and manipulates you with the silent treatment.  He has definite power/control issues.  He's just a man.  You seem to being idolizing him and I'm sure he loves this.  Do you seriously see yourself getting closer to God through this relationship?

  7. I don't know much about silent treatment and why its being done here. But the main thing should be God. Remember to obey the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law. I guess if its friendship your looking for, maybe he just needs some time alone? Well, God doesn't forsake you even if you think you give Him the silent treatment.

  8. How old are you precisely?

    You seem to have quite an intimate relationship with him. Perphaps he is not answering because this relationship is getting quite awkward.

  9. y o u s h o u l d v a l u e y o u r l i f e . q u i t t h i s s i c k g a m e n o w , o r y o u w i l l r u i n y o u r l i f e f o r e v e r .

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