
Can you please help me what presentation can I give before I discuss the Subject and Verb Rules..Thanks..?

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I'm already a teacher but I couldn't still think of the best presentation or motivation before I discuss SVAgreement...What best real life situation can I also use relevant to SVAgreement? Thanks everyone=)




  1. Prepare a story of the a familiar fairy tale that is being told using incorrect subject/verb agreement.  Ask the children what they thought of your presentation.(make some of it obvious, like," She be walking down a path to her grandma's house." The wolf said," I likes that basket of goodies".  These are phrases kids use everyday--- and unfortunately it sounds "cool" to their friends, but not the adults who cringe everytime they hear it.

    I do not know the age of the students you are working with, but middle school kids appreciate being familiar with the story.  ( I use these a lot when teaching all aspects of language arts, and it's amazing not only the participation, but also what we learn about ourselves and how many different versions of fairytales and folklore are out there)

    Have a powerpoint (or overhead) of the story you presented and ask the students what they would change. REad each sentence to them, and ask if anything is wrong with it.

    The reason subject verb agreement is so hard is that most of the time you have to hear it, because the brain will overcorrect for you when you read in your head.  Processing is difficult, and unforntunately you can't hear when you use incorrect sva until after you have already said it.

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