
Can you please help me with my 2 new kittens who won't come out from hiding?

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They have been under my couch for a couple of days now. They come out once in a while to eat but if they hear any noise they run back. How can I make them more comfortable and come out?




  1. try sitting on the floor with some canned food or tuna. sit still and let them come up to you-you can hand feed them or put them bowl right next to you. it will take a few days but kittens usually come around. you could also try using toys to lure them out.

  2. Just give it some time mate, if theyre only kittens it will take them a while to adjust, its normal. Maybe when they come out for food pick them up and rub them or something.

  3. set a mouse trap with cat food in it

  4. Obviously they are scared.

    I would bring them out (catch them) and then put them in an area that does not have a lot of commotion.

    Do you have a spare bathroom or bedroom to do this.

    Make sure to hold them and comforth them... during the day.

    Othere than that if you don't have another room try a carrier with a towl over it so they feel secure.

    but petting and loving one them will help them come out of it.

  5. Buy a fishing rod toy and dangle it where they can see it.  The urge to play will make them come out.  But don't attempt to go near them - let them come to you.  

    Another suggestion which sounds completely bonkers but really works is to read out loud in a low, calm voice.  The kittens will get used to hearing your voice.

    It may take a while for you to gain their trust but so long as you don't rush them into cuddles, etc, you'll get there eventually!

  6. just leave them alone. Cats are very skittish by nature, and do not like change. It will take a few days, maybe even a week or so, for them to feel comfertable. But they will warm up. Just give them time. If you bother them and try to bring them out, it will only scare them more

  7. Put food away so that you will have time to block their entrance back under the couch!

  8. try toys to get them play...and try putting cat food in your hand and wait for them to approach have to take it slow but they'll get used to having you around

  9. Hello, I have got a kitten recently too, my kitten was hiding too, its just because they were brought to new home kittens probably feel nervous for day 1 and so, just leave them to get used to the new smell, make sure u leave all cute toys for them to play and try to be quiet and calm allow them to come out to play. Trust me, they WILL be more comfortable and come out more often. remember to keep litter tray in same room too, they will be able know where litter tray is.

    It took me few days my kitten finally got all confident to play about

    Good luck!

  10. You need to start holding them and playing directly with them. This a very crucial time when forming bonds. Kittens, with my experience, will become less afraid if you hold them and pet them; make them feel relaxed. If you don't interact with them they may never get used to you. I was housesitting for a couple of weeks once and the cat there was less than a year old but deathly afraid of new people. He never would have became friendly if I hadn't taken the initiative to hold him and pet him.

  11. What Jude said...

    Your home is new and can be intimidating to them.  If you can find a small room (a large closet, extra bathroom) where you can keep them closed in with everything they need (litter box, food, toys, bed) they can have a less stressful environment in which to get used to your smells.  

  12. Try using a toy to lure them out. Throw around one of those little mice. Kittens can't resist the urge to play.

  13. I had this problem with my cat when he was a baby. I got him as a 6 week old stray and he would hide way back under my bed where I couldn't reach him (my bed can't move). I finally waited till he came out one day and blocked the entrances to the bed. It forced him to be a little more social and he got used to me quicker. I old had it blocked for a few weeks and since then I have never had a problem with it. Good luck!  

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