
Can you please make me a list of...?

by  |  earlier

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every little detail in the house to clean?

my friend is staying the night monday and my mom told me the house has to be SPOTLESS if i want her to.

please don't leave me rude comments.

i know how to clean the house but i have ADHD and can't do anything without a list of what i have to do.

please help me!




  1. Before you start cleaning.... put on your favorite cd.  Music will give you the rythym and help you get the work done a lot quicker.  

    1) Open your windows and air out the house.  If it is cold or raining, open them only a crack so the fresh air comes in.

    2)  Tidy up.  If you see anything that is not in it's proper place.  Clothes thrown on the couch, coke cans on the coffee table, magazines thrown around, shoes in the living room... you get the idea.

    2) Wash whatever dishes are in the sink and tidy up the kitchen.  Wipe the counters with a clean rag and some nice smelling cleaning liquide to make the room smell nice.

    3) Shake out whatever throw rugs you have... in the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen.  Let them sit outside so the fresh air kills the dust mites.

    4) Either change the bed sheets, or take them outside and shake them in the fresh air.  If weather permits... let them sit outside on a chair or hung up on the clothes line to air out.  Good for your health.

    5) Clean the bathroom using a suitable detergent that will remove salt residue.  Scrub down the bathtub or shower stall and sink.  Rinse off with hot water... careful not to burn yourself.    Pour some cleaning liquid into the toilet bowl and use the toilet brush.  Rinse.  Pour some chlorine bleach, about a cup full into the toilet bowl and let it sit.  It will make it nice a white removing all the stains.

    6) Vacuum all the house

    7) Close the windows

    8) Get clean dust rags and spray some dusting solution on it (like Pledge).  It helps get all the dust but also gives a lovely clean smell to the furniture.    If you have a duster, use it on lampshades, books, TV's and stuff that you can't rub down and that need special care.

    If you have bare floors, mop them with clean water using 2 capfulls of cleaning liquid.

    9) Fix the beds

    10) Sit down and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

    11)  And last.... have a great time with your friend!

  2. bathroom (toilet, tub/shower, sink, floors)kitchen (sink, floors, dishes, counter tops)living room (vacuum, wash windows, dust)bedrooms (make beds, vacuum, organize, dust)use windex, scrubbing bubbles and switfer those will help u so much i hope i helped♥ ad have fun with your friend : ]  ps dont forget to decorate

  3. here is the list of what to do . it's coming from my experience observing a person with adhd clean the house spotless.  #1 turn on some music   #2  get some laundry baskets, boxes, suitcases ,large trash bags   whatever you can find .  put in the middle of the living room. #3  collect everything you can find in the house that belongs to you and put in your room.  #4 collect other members things and put in their rooms   #5 go back to your room   decide what you want displayed and hide the rest  #6  all floors should be clear now so you can start up the vacuum cleaner   #7 vacuum whole house  #8 keep adding to the trash bag you are also dragging around with you to every room. don't forget to separate the recyclables.  #9 yeah you are ready to dust.  hopefully your mother provides you with swiffers otherwise your gonna have to get an old t-shirt and dampen with a little water and dust the  smeary old school way.  #10 clean bathrooms    #11 last but not least the kitchen.  start in the fridge   throw out old food   wash and dry inside   clear countertops and table   of clutter    hide   do dishes   mop floor    take out trash    your done

  4. I would first go to local 99 cent store.

    You will need

    Sponge - Wipe things

    Comet - Disinfect & Clean all around the house

    Carpet Refresher - You use this on carpet to remove odor. Only pour a pinch on the carpet. It bad for the vacuum if there to much pour and it will smoke smell.

    There are toilet bowl hangers that clean the toliet automatically with each flush. You simply use both of them or one of on each side and a little it of cleaner is disinfecting it. You will still need to clean it every other day.

    The bath tub- Can be clean with comet. This will take a while.

    The sink can be clean with comet as well.

    Wood needs to be clean with furniture polish

  5. hi,      bathroom - clean tub toilet floors cabinet counter mirror molding and window ledges      kitchen-refrigerator counters sink cabinet doors handles stove microwave appliances toaster crumbs floor   livingroom- vacuum couches under cushions too floor straigten any books or magazines, dust furniture  diningroom- clean and wash off table, straighten chairs and dust all of it.  clean all of the bedrooms if allowed by straightening, dust, make beds, make sure clean sheets for your bed and where your friend is sleeping , don't forget to sweep off ceiling corners for cob webs.  good luck and have fun

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