
Can you please pray for my hamster i think she is sick?

by  |  earlier

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I think my hamster iz dieing :'(

shez not the same and shez acting weird, she iz alwayz scared and she bit me for the first time can u plez pray for her cuz i love her so much and i dont want her to go,were rele close i had here since she waz young and i rele love her, i dont want her to die plez pray for here it would mean so much to me thank u.

i made a song for her,


Ginger u are my best frend ill love u till the very end I love u, u are my gg when ur not with me I want u nere ginger plez never go and if u do just let me know that u love me, u truly love me, and if u die all I will do iz sit and cry, gingers my frend gingers my soul, I hope that she never goes away to a so called better place, cuz all I want to do iz see her priitty face




  1. OMG dont just wait for her to die GO TO THE VET if u love her so much

  2. From the symptoms you described I really doubt she's dying.  Really she just sounds cranky.  If you could go into depth a little farther than "She's acting weird" then maybe I could help more.

    Here is a site listing the symptoms of some common ailments.  If you are really worried and you have the money take her to a vet.

  3. Okay.....

    I'll pray for her

    but monly if you get her checked by a vet.

    Wierd song.

  4. Don't just pray for her, take her to the vet.

  5. I hope she is okay, I know it can be hard to lose a pet you've had for a long time.  They feel less like a pet and more like a family member.

    You should get your mom to call the vet (or you can do it).  Just call and ask what you should do, and see if they think they can do anything.  They will likely tell you to bring her in so they can check her out, and that really would be the best option for her.  You want to make sure she has the best care possible, right?  It's great that you love her and want to pray for her but she might need help from a vet the most right now.

    Good luck, I hope she's okay!  You're lucky to have had Ginger for so long in the first place, she sounds like she's a very good pet and now it's time for you to be a responsible owner and get your mom to help you take her to the vet.

  6. Ginger will be in my prayers. I had a hamster (rest in peace Willy/willy the lilly) who developed cancer one day. We took him to the vet (and found out he was actually a she :D) and they gave him medicine that kept him alive much longer. I know what it's like to lose a pet. If the unfortunate happens, just remember that she is in a better place where she feels a lot better, and you'll join her someday.

    Good luck :)

  7. she will be in my prayers but u should also take her to the vet.

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