join and pass on.
One of my best friends who is like a brother to me has been diagnosed with AML. Which is Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. I have decided to make a support group for him on Facebook since he doesn't really get much from his family. He hasn't made any progress over these past months and he is going to get a bone marrow transplant in a couple weeks as a last result treatment. If i could ind out any more ways to get more support for him, i would like to know. I would be very grateful, and he would be even more grateful, if you would join the group and invite all your friends. I just created the group and i am doing all i can to get as much support so he remains positive. If you would like to join go to this link:
Support James Morris's fight against cancer!
Thank you
By the way, you don't have to add me, just join the group and invite all your friends