
Can you please rank these math fields from easiest to hardest?

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Trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus, Algebra, and Statistics





  1. (1) Algebra

    Geometry is rather limited if one does not know algebra.


    (2) Geometry

    Trigonometry is very limited if one does not know geometry.


    (3) Trigonometry

    Calculus is limited if one does not know trigonometry.


    (4) Calculus


    (5) Statistics

    Statistics is just plain memorization unless you get into the harder concepts. So if you can remember things well, statistics is extremely easy. Advanced statistics could require you to understand many of the principles behind it and be able to do the calculations by hand. That would require knowledge of calculus and lots of work.


    That all being said, it depends on the course for all of them.

    Usually, they are harder if the other classes are all pre-requisites and the school is a challenging one. Math can quite often build on every previous field, but that doesn't always happen.

    For examples:

    People usually take some geometry before taking much algebra, so that much of geometry can be easy. However, very elaborate geometry problems can be created by using algebra.

    An early calculus class does not -have- to involve elaborate geometric calculations such as proving the areas of common geometric figures, but it certainly -could-.

  2. I think I would have said

    Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Statistics, Calculus,

    but then I learned something about what stats really is, not the rules of thumb I was first taught, now I'd have

    Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics

    But what's the point behind the question?

    Maybe another would be rate their usefulness in your work?

    Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics

    All about equally essential, but stats wins by a head.

  3. Easiest to hardest for me were

    Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics



  4. You need to know algebra in order to do the rest, so in that sense I'd call algebra the "easiest".  In reality though, I think it's one of the toughest because you're learning everything from scratch.

    You need some geometry to understand trigonometry, but you can still learn the basics of trigonometry in a day.  So it's hard to say which is easier than the other.

    I'd put calculus and statistics as about the same.  It really depends on how far you want to take each subject.  

    Keep in mind that some students excel in one but then have to struggle through another.  I've seen some that struggled through algebra but thought geometry was a breeze, and vice versa.

  5. that depends on how your brain works...what one person may find easy, another person may not find so easy

    Me, personally....

    Algebra, statistics, geometry, trigonometry, calculus

  6. really is different for everyone, but for me easiest to hardest:






    Calculus kicked my but; but thet Trig made me meet Jesus.

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