
Can you please rate and fix my Yugioh Dragon deck and maybe tell me the cards i need to take out?

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Blue-eyes white dragon x3

White-Horned Dragon x1

Red-Eyes B. Chick x1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x2

Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon x1

Armed Dragon lv 3 x2

Armed Dragon lv5 x2

Armed Dragon lv 7 x1

Luster Dragon x2

Mirage Dragon x2

Twin Headed Behemoth x1

Masked Dragon x2

Hunter Dragon x1

Decoy Dragon x1

Lord of D x2

Horus the Black Flame Dragon lv 6 x1

Horus the Black Flame Dragon lv 8 x1

Tyrant Dragon x1

Blue Eyes Shining Dragon x1


Call of the Haunted x1

Magical Cylinder x1

Negate Attack x1

Dust Tornado x1

Dragons Rage x1

Sukuretsu Armor x2

Draining Shield x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Bottomless Traphole x1

Burst Breath x1


Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Mountain x1

Heavy Storm x1

Stamping Destruction x3

Nobleman of Crossout x1

The Flute of Summoning Dragon x2

Dragons Mirror x2

Monster Reborn x1

Dragon's Gunfire x1


Five-Headed Dragon x1

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1




  1. Lets begin. Oh, and thanks for organising your cards.


    Blue-eyes white dragon x3

    White-Horned Dragon x1

    Armed Dragon lv 3 x2

    Armed Dragon lv5 x2

    Armed Dragon lv 7 x1

    Luster Dragon x2

    Mirage Dragon x2

    Twin Headed Behemoth x1

    Masked Dragon x2

    Hunter Dragon x1

    Decoy Dragon x1

    Lord of D x2

    Tyrant Dragon x1


    Magical Cylinder x1

    Dragons Rage x1

    Sukuretsu Armor x2

    Torrential Tribute x1

    Bottomless Traphole x1

    Burst Breath x1


    Mystical Space Typhoon x1

    Lightning Vortex x1

    Heavy Storm x1

    Stamping Destruction x3

    Nobleman of Crossout x1

    The Flute of Summoning Dragon x2

    Dragons Mirror x2

    Monster Reborn x1


    Five-Headed Dragon x1

    Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon x1


    Ive removed the obvious cards that you dont want. The orginal problem with your deck was that it had too many strategys. Horus only works well in a horus or a lockdown deck, and only having one lvl6 restricts him to be more likely a dead-draw. Red Eyes is also a deck of his own, and will just slow down your deck. Blue Eyes shining is just rubbish, sorry!


    Rule of the cards - never play a field card unless its a requirement of a theme. so removed mountain- and i also removed dragons gunfire. The monster destruction is ok, but you have better options, and its very restricted (800 def AND you have a dragon) Its a perfect example of yugioh making theme cards that are worse than non theme cards. Otherwize the spells are ok.


    Call of the Haunted is now banned. Negate Attack and Draining Shield arent needed, as dragons are beatdown/speed.Normally I like dust tornado, however with 3 stampings, heavy storm and MST, you dont need it.


    Cards to concider adding:-

    +Lord of D

    +Flute of summoning (3 will help you, and its central to this decks theme.)

    less obvious- +Dark production of Mass graveyard (+2 vanilla monsters to your hand- just add the blue eyes back to your hand after they are destroyed, so you can lord of d. flute them again.

    Spear Dragon- Hard to get but very useful.

    another masked dragon

    spirit reaper, marshmallow brain control or soul exchange (you dont want to be tied down with a hand of high tribute monsters)

    Spells, shield crush (this and smashing destruction and you'll probably get a free hit on your opponents life points, +500 damage from smashing.

    Traps, Seem fine. Mirror force if you've got one, elsewhile good to go.

    Obviously you could just splash out loads and get L+D dragon, or DAD, but that would be rediculous, so ive added feasable options for your deck.

    Ending note: Dragons are fun.

  2. I suggest removing the Blue Eyes W. Dragons as having too many powerful monsters can make it hard to summon. add a couple of Dragon Treasures to power up your dragons, and a couple of mystic tomato's to pull them out quicker. Also troop dragons are a must for a Dragon deck.

    feel free to ask me more questions.

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