
Can you please rate my love poem?

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As I look for a reason to talk to you

I don’t want to tell you but yes it’s true

I think I’m in love with you…

Every moment I wake

I know my heart is at stake

I don’t want to get hurt again…

More than I have been

I don’t see why I’m crazy for you

There are some aspects, just a few…

But here is a good call,

Your character rises above all

Maybe physique isn’t what my heart needs,

Sensitivity is what it pleads

There is a bright neon light,

And you are where it leads.

You are the reason why every morning I wake

And with every good decision that you make

Gives me more reason to believe that you won’t flake

That you aren’t a fake

And what a great boyfriend you would make.

With every word that comes off your lips

My mind comes to grips

That everything you say reminds me of myself

And it kills me to see you by yourself.

I need you and you need me.

Summer is coming fast

The best day will be the last…

All though it will also be filled with sorrow

Because I won’t be able to see you again tomorrow

With my love not with me

The light moves back farther than the eye can see

I’ll maybe be sane again when you are with me

But maybe not even then, will you let my heart be.

I love that I have your heart,

And you have mine.

That is a start,

So far you are gently caring for it.

And with yours, I might tease

But so far, I do as you please.

And our hearts click,

And with a flutter and flick,

I fell for you,

Yes it’s true

I’m positive about you

I’m in love with you.




  1. omg.

    that is amazing.

    it touches my heart.

    i think any girl can definitely relate to it.


    thats really good.

    i think it would win any poetry contest.


    keep writing.


  3. Why..... it's great.  You wrote a definite winner.  Good job.  Now if only I could write like that.....

  4. WOW!!! i waz wondering if u could let me use it for a guy that i really me if i can @


  5. Its beautiful!

    i loved it

    you should really think about publishing you writing.

    very deep and i had fun reading it

    i had a smile on my face the whole time i was reading it

    Great Job

  6. You asked for a rating. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate it a one. Too mushy. Sounds like junior hi. Study hard, make good grades and prepare for a good paying job. Don't waste your time with whoever you wrote this poem for. Read some Robert or Elizabeth Browning, or Emily Dickenson for inspiration. Good Luck!!!!

  7. i thought it was brillant. :D 9/10 great mood and it read easily. :D

  8. I loves it. I give it a ten. You go girl get it published

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