
Can you please read over my bio on biden and tell me whats wrong?

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ive read over it and over it and im getting really stressed out please help me. this is supposed to be a 2 paragraph biography on biden. if you have any suggestions to what i should add or take out would be highly appreciated. any grammer errors pointed out too. thanks soo much.

(i am not interested in your thoughts on the canidate.)

Joseph Robinette Biden


Joe Biden was November 20th, 1942. Born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania for 10 years before moving to Delaware. Joe Biden trained as a lawyer and became a senator in 1973 making him the fifth youngest senator in U.S history. He has served as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to crime prevention, civil liberties and crime prevention. He is also a long time member of the current chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. In 1987, Biden ran as Democratic presidential candidate, formally declaring his candidacy at Wilmington Train Station. He was however unsuccessful.

Biden then declared his candidacy for president on January 31, 2007 making a formal announcement to Tim Russert on Meet the Press. But then on January 3rd, 2008 Biden placed fifth in the Iowa caucuses gaining less then one percent of the state delegates. Biden then withdrew from the presidential race. In a June 22nd, 2008 interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Biden confirmed that he would accept the vice presidential nomination offered. Barak Obama announced that Biden would be his running mate. If Obama is elected, Biden would be the first Roman Catholic vice President and the first Vice President from Delaware.




  1. I see no glaring mistakes.

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