
Can you please read this? Tell me what you think?

by Guest63430  |  earlier

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I agree with the school district. They should have done this a long time ago. The taxpayers have been paying so much for those students in Sappo when they can just receive the services in the traditional school. It is CORRUPT to be doing this to the taxpayers. They have to PAY so much for them in a private school when the special services are provided in the traditional school. This just proves how corrupt our school system is. The school district is just realizing how corrupt it is and that's why they REFUSED.

Sappo School is a private alternative school. Alternative schools are for ALL students to attend. It's not a special school. The article says that it is a special school. That is wrong.

This is the school's website that you can explore:




  1. HI there, I found this very interesting and at the same time very sad. What is on offer here particularly for S.E.N sounds good. If the children receive what they say is on offer well great, it couldn't be better. WE are told that this is on offer elsewhere....but is it it REALLY? That is what is so sad because in reality I do not believe that it is. Sure, everyone is doing the best that they can with what they have got. Is this good enough? NO it isn't.

  2. Also agree with the school district. but not for reasons you use. Unlicensed academic care takers could do more harm than good. Very strongly support IDEA and IEP's but hate the way attorneys milking system for selves and others have screwed up those laws.

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