I am an old boardgamer that used to play a lot of Avalon Hill, Axis vs. Allies, and Risk, but has gotten away from it now that I have gone to college. I have decided that I would like to get back into it again, and would like some recomendations on what would be a good game to pick up.
1. Has to be playable (and still be fun) with 2 players
2. Has to have a playing time of under 3 hours. I love the game civilization (the board game), but 4 hrs in when you realize that you are only halfway done it starts to lose its enjoyment.
3. Has to have some strategy involved. I enjoy a good game of risk, but would like a game with more stretegy and less luck of the dice.
Some games I was considering: Risk Godstorm, Age of Mythology, War of the Ring, Vegas Showdown, Cosmic Encounter