
Can you please say this aint so??? What is happening to my country??

by  |  earlier

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What has come over us???

What evil has gotten a hold of us???




  1. Can not say i am surprised.  I live in Ireland and when the Irish protested about US rendition flights refuelling at Shannon airport the government were told that if a fuss was made all US businesses would be pulled out of Ireland. I doubt if that even made the American news.

  2. Why do you hate America?

    Have you read your Bible?

    "In the beginning, America created the Heavens and the Earth"  Remember?  First chapter of Genesis?


  3. I think you need to bear in mind that the people that are alleged to have been held against their will are all deceased, and the suits were filed by relatives.  

    Mere allegations do not convince me of anything.  Many parents have reported their daughters as kidnapped when they actually had eloped.  

    I will say though, there are a couple of things that strike me as odd.  If the companies really were dealing in human trafficking, why let anyone find the bodies to begin with?   Second, why are the families just reporting the disappearances now?  Surely they were kidnapped before being reported dead.  

    We'll see.  Or maybe we won't, if it all turns out to be a bogus claim, we'll never hear about it again.

    I do agree that something evil has gotten ahold of us, when we find such allegations so easy to believe, we don't ask questions or wait for any proof.  

  4. Wow!! That's messed up.

  5. I hope it ain't so. It wouldn't surprise me but I sure hope it didn't happen.

  6. We have met the enemy and he is us...

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