
Can you please suggest herbal remedy for kidney stones.?

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I am suffering from kidney stones and the urine flow is not normal. Should I go in for surgery and any alternate methods available, like herbal remedy?




  1. Water with lemon juice in it. Drink lots!.. The lemon juice breaks up the crystal that forms the stone. .I have had kidney stones before..ugh! In the future..drink more water and less pop..pop screws up the acid/alkaline balance in your body, which produces kidney stones.

  2. Your doctor or hospital staff can prescribe a medicine which will break down/disolve the stones and will then be passed naturally. All a bit painfull for you - hope it clears soon.

  3. Check it out.

  4. You can try to dissolve them and flush them out.

    A web search for "kidney stones" + dissolve might perhaps be useful.

  5. eating apples and drinking a cup of warm water with cider vinegar and honey in it can help to soften them and then they will pass easier.

    accupuncture can help too.

    A naturopath, or someone who has studied oriental medicine will be able to advise you too.

  6. as far iknow..the rose petal is the best remedy for sick people..but dnt know the color of rose petal which ideal for kidney,,each color have thier own responsibility LOL..

    but better you consult..and drin more water as well

  7. Call an acupuncturist or herbalist who carries the Evergreen line.  They have a wonderful formula called Dissolve (KS) specifically formulated to dissolve kidney stones.  A normal course of treatment is 1-3 months, and works best in conjunction with acupuncture treatments.

    Be aware that if the stones are already too big to pass thru the ureter or urethra, this formula will not be enough.  In that case, you may use sonic wave treatment to break the larger stone into smaller ones. Then this formula will work well.

    Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day.  Minimize the intake of salt as well.  Vitamin A helps prevent new kidney stones from developing.  Foods with high levels of vitamin A include: mango, apricot, peach, carrot, yam.

    Search for someone close to you at

    Ask if they carry Evergreen herbs, and if they have experience treating kidney stones.

    Good luck.

  8. Do be afaid but the doctar can get em out! no crappy remedy is going to help!

  9. Taking random herbs and supplements will most likely encourage more stones to appear.


    (This bit is not in the book): Many people  cannot drink a pint (two cups) of olive oil without throwing up. Therefore, I searched for yet another cleanse, which used less olive oil (and again, no epsom salts)

    Here is an alternative:

    Eat all the granny smith apples and/or FRESHLY SQUEEZED apple juice (NOT store bought) you can for three days. Also drink water. Eat nothing else. On the final evening get ready for bed. Have one cup of olive oil and 1 cup of lemon juice beside your bed. Take as long as you need to drink it. The slower you drink it, the easier it will be to get down and keep it down. Sit up while drinking, but lie down as soon as you have drunk any. Keep as still as possible. Go to bed as soon as you have drunk it all. It is best to lie on your right side.

    It may help to mix the lemon juice in the olive oil.

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