
Can you please take a look at this website i am building for a company that i work for??? ?

by  |  earlier

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do you think the boss will like it? on Tuesday




  1. it is good. but why dont you use the empty space on the sides to show 'our work' section. you can use a slide show in one frame instead of showing all at once. this will also help you remove a vertical scroll from the homepage.

  2. Check your spelling and grammar.

    Nice layout, lots of navigation which is good.

    Get rid of the sounds.

    Colour scheme is good, perhaps change the set font to match the header and navigation (from Times New Roman to Arial).

  3. I was a little disappointed with the flash at the top, I waited a time for it to load then its all I get, make the flash load faster and add more content into your homepage, its kinda dead to me, but the color combination are good.  Good luck! and btw, who's the guy at the picture? he looks like peter parker's boss, he looks upset.  lol

  4. Not bad, but get rid of the flash logo!!!

    These flash anims were a fab a few years ago and are still extremely irritating.  Thanks God, I have the sound off...

    Because of that flash banner, your site loads in more than 10 seconds on ADSL: you will loose many visitors (you have 1.5 sec to GRAB your visitor, or loose it forever).

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