
Can you please tell me Costa Rica's location without using a map???

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Can you please tell me Costa Rica's location without using a map???




  1. S America somewheres over there. What are you? National geography IQ monitor to see how stupid I am?

  2. central america, think it's next door to honduras

  3. south of florida?

    i think

  4. I will if you'll tell me where USA is located without using a map

  5. South of the border, in the ocean

  6. Between Nicararuaga and Panama

  7. sure one country north of Panama which is the last country before south america.  I'm going there soon

  8. Its over there.

  9. Well........if like more people used maps an such, Then Costa Rica would be more willing to .,.,.,like train the Germans  how to show the Americans how to use maps in South Carolina and then some kids might get food.and such as.

  10. Well, Ya can't get Tha for Hea

  11. Central America, between Nicaragua and Panama

  12. the only location on costa rico i can give you with out looking on a map is that it is located on earth hope i was helpfull

  13. It Is Under Nicaragua.

  14. It's south of mexico somewhar. In that skinny part.

  15. Center America I think...

  16. omg how much ignorance over this side of the planet!!!no wonder why he is the president....

  17. Costa Rica - 09.55N, 84.02W

    Didn't need a map, only the power of google!

  18. its like in central america right underneath nicaragua

  19. south of Mexico , north of the panama canal

  20. it's....above south america and below north america. so it's right inbetween. ;]

    oh and west of cuba. =D

    above Panama, but under Honduras.

    haha, did i do good? =]

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