
Can you please tell me what your parenting plan is like?

by  |  earlier

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im not with the father and want to get an idea. he has a job and lives in a 4 bedroom house with like 9 other people. He already has one child and pays support for her sometimes and just sees her every other weekend. I just want to get an idea. i have an appointment with a lawyer next week




  1. child support will be determined on the amount of money he makes..this is usually the case. Might be different in other states. If he is living in a four room house with other people do not let him take your child there. Reason: How do you know what these people are like? Possibility that your child could be harmed/molested. I noticed you said,"sometimes." Sometimes isn't good enough. In my state dead beat dad's do jail time.

    Good luck sweetie!

  2. dont know have know children.

  3. If you are going to see a lawyer next week, you probably do not need much technical information. As far as parenting plans or "custody arrangements" go, there are many variations.

    First, you have to know that the father has a right to be a part of the child's life. If he fights hard enough, he will get some type of visitation. Next, you cannot withhold visitation due to a failure to pay child support.

    In addition, you are going to need evidence of a detrimental environment before you can ask the court to force the father to move to an environment that is better suited for children. Some evidence might include the criminal histories of the father's roommates. This is a reasonable request, and if he does not supply this information, You should be concerned.

    If you are concerned with his parenting ability, you may be able to ask the court to order a parenting assessment to better gauge potential risks to your child while in his care.

    Well, that is about all I can tell you for now. What state do you live in? If you live in the State of Washington, I can give you a lot more information.

    Good Luck.

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