
Can you please translate these quotes for me?

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I don't understand them, is there anyone here that does? If so, please help! :D You are very appreciated.

"If a man does not keep peace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."

"Under a governemnt which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison."

"Our life is freitted away by detail."

The last one sounds simple but keep in mind that I'm supposed to choose one and write an essay ON them. So, I have no ideas :)




  1. First one mean

    If you cannot live in peace with people. U  r basically use to doing stuff your own way so no matter what neone around you is doing U still find some fault in it and think U knows how to do it better, therefore there is gonna be constant strife and argument with U an others because U does not believe in compromising

    the sec one

    Basically mean since everyone who is innocent is in jail that the best place for everyone who is innocent to be because on the outside they wont get any justice anyways since the government imprison ppl without reason.

    Don't know what the last one means

    Good luck i Hope i helped

  2. if you and your mate are always fighting and all that then you should find someone else

    not a clue

    not sure

    I only took a guess on the first one it's not making sence to me about any of them

  3. 1. If someone isn't getting along with his friends, maybe they aren't the people he should be surrounding himself with. He lives to the beat of a different drummer, he is a different person than they are.

    2. If a government will imprison unjustly (as in throw someone in prison who doesnt deserve it) then theyre saying any person under that government should be in jail. You cant pick which innocent people go to jail and which innocent people don't.

    3. The simple things in life are best. Details ruin things?  imagine this.... someone loves this guy sooo much. but suddenly little details annoy them... his eyebrows are too high on his forehead... he snores... or something like that. our lives are ruined when we let ourselves be bothered by every little detail.

  4. 1.  If someone seems to always disagree it might not be that they are simply argumentative, but they they see the world in a different way.  

    2.  Because it is our duty to fight for a system of government that is fair to all, if even one man is condemned unfairly then we must all stand with him--even if that means that that we are condemned as well.  Or you might think of it as meaning that if a just man goes to jail you should rather be in jail with him, than on the outside with the unjust people who put him there.

    3.  It is very easy to get hung up on little details and waste your time dwelling on them.  Let the little things go, see the big picture and move on with living your life.

  5. Here's another quote "do your own homework"

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