
Can you please try to motivate me?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 toddlers, full time job, 45 min commute, and I need to lose weight. I weigh (ah-hem) 167# right now and I am 5'6". I'd like to be 140, but 130 would be even better. It just seems hopeless that it will take too long to meet that goal. At 1# a week, that's almost a year. I am at the point I can't even wear jeans anymore, they are just way too uncomfortable, and getting elastic waist jeans seems bad bad bad. I love my life, my family, everything, except how I look.

Please tell me something to motivate me to make the changes and get started. Obviously, health and self-esteem aren't motivation enough for me.




  1. I keep a food diary on an online site: It analyzes the amount of carbs, fat, protein and calories. I find this very helpful in maintaining a balanced healthy diet.

    Re: exercise. Is it possible to change your daily commute such as walk/bike part of the way and then drive/commute the rest? Or take the stairs rather than the elevator?

  2. Change almost nothng in your life except one thing..... No cookies. bread, crackers, pizza,,,,, Basically no bread products.... Maybe toast in the AM and thats it....

  3. Losing 25-35 pounds can be done with certain changes.  Changing what you eat as well as the frequency is the first thing.  Make sure you break your meals into 4-6 smaller portions spaced throughout the day with the last meal (one of your smaller meals!) no later than maybe 7pm.  Exercising i.e. doing Cardio work on a regular basis is the next thing.  Walking is always the easiest to do.  Trying power walking (walking fast) either in the early morning and/or during your lunch break for 30-40 minutes.  You can even walk during the evening with your kids if possible.  People quite often make the excuse of being too tired or not enough time to walk.  However, you can think of two major things to motivate you.  One, starting on a change in diet and exercise is always the hardest to get over but after you've pushed yourself for several weeks, you get used to the "routine".  Secondly, (and most importantly), look at yourself and your children and remind yourself that if you don't change your bad habits, you stand a chance of not being around long enough to either take care of your children or watch them grow up.  I know this sounds harsh, but I've seen too many people that have more health problems when they are overweight.

        You can also think of the fact that you WILL have more self confidence when you see yourself not only looking healthier but knowing that if you can lose the weight, then you can do ANYTHING if you put your mind to it.  YOU CAN DO IT!!  THINK POSITIVE!

  4. Do it for your family. The motivation will come with results. My program can give you  the 27-37 lb loss you need in 4 months and you'll keep it off for a lifetime. The first two days prepare you for the lifestyle change. You have results by the third day, at least 3 lbs, and each week another 2 or 3 lbs. My clients get greedy for the weight loss. What they don't realize until the end is that they've just learned how to eat three balanced meals a day. The whole family will enjoy the healthy, satisfying foods that you can prepare in 30 minutes with your new energy. Ordering out isn't a challenge. Email me for help.

  5. What can anyone tell you? You have to want change. Change doesn't come overnight. When it does, it never lasts. I am assuming you are still young and would like to participate in your children's lives. Getting fat is a mortal disease. It will take years from your life. Long before you die you will be at high risk for heart disease, diabetes, joint problems and high blood pressure. Your self estem will continue to fall. Instead of a strong mom that is there for her kids, you could become a recluse that will not be there to protect her children. Is that motivation for you?

    Don't look at this as a long term strugle because even losing ten lbs will make you fel better, look better, breath better and increase your self esteem. Don't go on any dramatic weight loss diet or use pills. Just start by cutting out sugars, saturated fats and start drinking more water. Break down your daily calories into 6 smaller meals and take a 10 minute walk every night or when the kids go down for a nap.  

  6. I know it seems like you will never get there.  I was in the same place you are when my kids were small.  I just didn't have the time or energy to think about me.  I wish I would have started earlier but I waited so long that when I did decide, my body was in sad shape.  My skin had been stretched to the point that I had lots of stretch marks and my legs had lots of spider veins from the weight.  

    Here's the good part.  I was finally able to turn things around when I decided that I needed to pay attention to my physical and emotional health.  I joined a club with weight training and aerobic activity.  It included a trainer and classes for one monthly price.  It did take quite a while to make the changes but change I did.  I got stronger, happier and looked a whole lot better on the outside.  

    Don't wait to start thinking of you because when mom is happy, everyone is happy.   Stay active at least 5 days a week.  Make good food choices by including protein, fruits and vegetables in each meal. Eat 5 small meals (about every 3 hours).  This will keep you from getting too hungry.  Count your calories.  You will be amazed at how much you are eating.  

    Ultimately, this will be good for your family too.  They need you to teach them good habits.

    If you would like to email me, my email is myheart1414@yahoo

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