
Can you pls. give me math trivia's.?

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Math Trivia!!!!




  1. Sure thing.

    Q: What mathematical symbol did math whiz Ferdinand von Lindemann determine to be a transcendental number in 1882?

    A:  Pi.

    Q: What number does "giga" stand for?

    A: One billion.

    Q: What digit did Arab mathematician al-Khwarizmi give to the West around 800 B/B.?

    A: Zero.

    Q: What two letters are both symbols for 1,000?

    A: K and M.

    Q:  What century did mathematicians first use plus and minus signs?

    A: The sixteenth.

    Q: What handy mathematical instrument's days were numbered when the pocket calculator made the scene in the 1970s?

    A: The Slide rule's.

    Q:  What word describes a number system with a base of two?

    A: Binary.


  2. The Pythagorean Theorem isn't Greek at all.. He was taught it while in Egypt.

  3. The number zero was invented by the Indians (from India).

    The smallest prime after 1, is 2, the only even number.

    A perfect number in one whose product and sum of its factors are the same. Smallest is 6.

    If you memorize squares, memorize only up to 25, because the last 2 numbers repeat in reverse order to 50, then each 50 after that, does so again.

    There are 3 transcendental numbers.

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