
Can you pls suggest me an idea for a project using Java-RMI(Remote Method Invocation) or Java alone...

by  |  earlier

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i am looking for an idea for "final year" project , so try to make it a bit competitive!!!

Thank You ! :)




  1. Pretty much any client-server type application will do (using RMI as the communication method between the server and the clients).

    A couple examples ...

    1)  A performance monitoring system for computers on a network.  Each client (running on a separate computer) would take snapshots of how the computer is performing (i.e. running processes, memory utilization, disk utilization, etc.).  The clients would send the information back to the server to be summarized and presented in some type of reports (i.e. a web-page).

    2)  Some type of publish-and-subscribe system.  The clients would subscribe to information that the server publishes.  When the server has updated information to present, the information would be sent to any subscribing client.

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