
Can you pls tell me how to dump my friend?

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i have a group of 6 people.5 members of my group doesnt want the 6th member.the 6th member is really pls tell me some ways to dump the 6th member(politely). Thnx




  1. if you like the 6th member then dont dump them. theres no good way to dump a friend. and if they are a friend you shouldnt need to. this happened to me before and that was the worse experience ever. they just got the message themselves tho becuase it wasnt the same when they were there.

  2. Be honest.  Don't try so hard to be polite that you don't get your message across.  No need to go into hurtful details. Just say that you do not want their company anymore.  White lies and bull will most likely backfire.  This person is most likely a bit socially handicapped or he/she would have gotten a clue before now so you will probably need to be pretty blunt.  Rejection is tough. If you are a nice person rejecting someone is tough on you as well as the person you are rejecting but simple honesty is best.

  3. umm well if he is you true friend then don't listen to them and plus it is wrong of them to get you to do it mabe you should dump them

  4. Wow, you sound like you live on survivor island.  You guys all sound liek a bunch of a******s too.  Do your friend a favor and dump him so he can go and find some decent people to hang with.

  5. if she is truly your friend you dont have to dump her.  you guys can still be friends even if the others dont want to hangout with her.  just hangout when youre not with the other 5  

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