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ok im feeling relly bad pain in the bottom of my stomach when i bend down it hurts bad and i cant figure out what it is and im on it now but before it was happening what could this be




  1. Karisha sweetie you probably have gas. If that is the case it will pass with more movement you involve your body in. Are you on your period? If so then it can be a combination of bloating, cramps, and gas. You weren't very specific. If I can be of more help please ask.  

  2. If  you haven't have your period yet than I think you are going to get it soon. if you don't know what a period is than ask your mom,nurse or goggle it. If you have already had your period than you may be getting it again. If no period in 5 days see a doctor.

  3. If you are not on your period and it is not cramping from that.  Do you have the need to urinate often?  If so, then you could have a bladder infection.  Start drinking plenty of water and cranberry juice.  Also, make an appointment with the doctor, a bladder infection shouldn't go unattended.   If you feel just like it is a 'bloated' pain, it could be just flatulence.

  4. might be a cramp

  5. most likely cramps! drink a lot of water and lay down

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