
Can you point me towards directions to assemble this easel?

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My mom recently purchased a Fine Art "Traditional Easel" from Hobby Lobby. Its serial number is A13114. We have not been able to figure out how to assemble it.

Can someone please point me towards directions online as to how assemble it? Thanks in advance!




  1. This blog saved the day. I never would've gotten the crazy thing together without it. Thanks kudos to you.

  2.  We bought the same darn Hobby Lobby instructions!  I figured it would be obvious....

  3. i bought the same dang easel and put it together but couldnt figure out how the smaller pieces went together....sooo im back to looking at it and scratching my head....stupid heads

  4. I just bought my girlfriend a traditional easel for christmas and I cannot believe it was that simple to put together. Thank you person who wrote out the entire process. Much appreciated. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

  5. thank you so much for taking the time to post the answer!!!  this was a great mental test!!!  You are a "helpful human"!!!

  6. thanksssssssssssss

  7. Thank you so much! Man How stupid! They could have zoomed in on the holder  part the rest I had together in 5 min.! Thanks for the help!

  8. OK, this is the previous, most recent responder.  I went back to s****. Lobby and viewed their assembled display unit.  Then I tried very hard to kick myself, but only wound up straining my back. Ouch.

    Assembly instructions:

    Find the three top leg pieces.  They each have a bevel and a hole at the *top* end. The bottom, extension legs have a felt pad at the bottom; set them aside for now.

    The upper leg with the shortest bevel on top is the back leg; its bevel will face toward the front when the easel is assembled.

    The back leg needs to be sandwiched between the two front legs so that the holes in all legs line up.  The front legs' top bevelled edges go flush against the left and right sides of the top of the back leg. The longest s***w (that has no loop/ring at the end) goes through the top holes of all three of these legs to hold them together.  Put the flat washer on the threaded end of the s***w and then s***w on the wing nut firmly.

    There are two screws with loops/rings on their ends. The shorter one goes on the back leg to attach the back leg extension (one of the legs with the felt pad on the bottom); the ring part of that s***w points to the inside/front of the easel.

    The other two leg extensions go on the front legs using the shortest screws (without rings) and wing nuts. I assembled mine with those wing nuts facing inward (back).

    The longer ringed s***w goes through the two pieces of wood that form the sill or ledge that you set your art media on; its ring points to the middle/back of the easel. You put the narrow piece of wood on the inside and the sill (wider) wood on the front, outside, and tighten the wing nut firmly until the two pieces of wood are clamped such that they hold on to the legs without slipping and are that the height that's comfortable for your art working.  The chain clips in the rings in the front and back screws to keep your easel from flopping to the ground.

    Again, negative "thank yous" to the blogger to apparently had this answer previously, but decided for whatever reason, that they did not wish to share.  I do not understand why this kind of person, who apparently is anti-social and anti-sharing of information, would even bother with starting a blog in the first place.

  9. The blog post mentioned previously now appears to be viewable by invitation only now.  What, the blogger was afraid they might accidentally help someone?  Sheesh, some people and their hangups.

    If I can figure out how to put this durned thing together, I'll let you folks know.

  10. Thanks man, we looked at it for an hour trying to figure it out. I cant believe it was that simple. Its retarded they dont put directions with this c**p. Your my hero

  11. THanks for the website.  I can't beleive how many people have bought this easel and couldn't get it together.  I still can't beleive it didn't come with instructions.

  12. I had the same problem and found this wb site      I felt stupid after they told me how to do it lol.

  13. I had the same problem and found this wb site      I felt stupid after they told me how to do it lol.

  14. I just bought one and have the same problem, how do u not put instructions in the box. This sucks.

  15. I have the exact same easel and can't figure out how to put it together?  ANyone figure it out???  It was a CHristmas present for my daughter and now we can't figure it out.  I can't believe they didn't include instructions.

  16. I just bought the fine art easel and am now stuck on this problem.

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