
Can you practice witchcraft and still be Christian?

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I'm a strong christian...and since lately witchcraft has been coming more and more believable, but I don't actually want to be Wicca. If witchcraft is real does anyone know that answer. And is witchcraft real???




  1. You can google Christian Witch.  You cannot be Christian and Wiccan though as basic Wiccan beliefs center around  god and goddess whereas christianity recognizes only one god eventhough Genesis says we are made in THEIR image - male and female.

    People like Chuck who don't have a clue, should not bother responding.  And Esme is just following another version of Pascal's Wager.

  2. it is called being ecclectic.  i am a witch with a savior.   i believe the christ practiced the art form of magik.  i also believe he was a master and that he was the lamb of the god and goddess who was a ransom for my sinful behaviors that angers them.

    and, remember, that not all of the bible is god's truth.  it has, in places, been bastardized, taking out the important role of women, as mankind has seen fit, in order to manipulate the general public, especially those practicing the natural arts.

  3. It kind of depends on your own feelings on the matter.

    If you can validate one belief system in terms of the other and not get held up by the conflicts that inevitably arise, then yes... but that doesn't mean that all Christians will accept your personal beliefs as valid.  Christians don't even accept all of their own beliefs as valid (just look at the way Catholics and Protests disagree with each other).

    So yes, you can be Christian and practice witchcraft, but that doesn't mean all other Christians will still consider you to be Christian.  Nor does mean that all practicing witches, be they Wiccan or otherwise will consider you a witch.  If you can live with that, go for it.

    As to witchcraft being real... the c**p you see in movies is not real witchcraft.  If that's what you're looking to experience, don't bother.  Witchcraft is a deeply personal matter... it's a method of prayer, worship, and self expression all rolled into one.

  4. Yes.  Being Christian is your religion.  Wicca is a way of life.  You can separate the 2.

  5. See. Here's the thing. Jesus was a prophet. Not necesserily the son of G-d, but anythings possible; but I won't get into that. Jesus was a well-known Jew, and a loving, accepting person. After his death, his teachings were put into a book. After that other things were put into the book to work with the era the book was made in, and rights and rules of that time.

    Therefore women were put in, and taken out, and put in as sinners and lesser beings to men, it claimed that homosexuals were damned sinners ...

    (ex. Original testament: it stated g**s existed, and rape occurred, but inhospitality was the sin causing destruction of the lands

    The new testament : it re-wrote most passages to make G-d say that homosexuals were evil, disguesting sinners, and abominations. Ever since then the teen suicide rate has gone up dramtically for Christain teens)

    (cont.)... and witches were Satan-worshippers, etc. Witchcraft, frankly, Paganism, was wayyyyyy before Jesus. And after Christianity was made, in the name if Jesus, his good words were mixed up with propaganda and lies.

    In early Europe, the Christian Church of Jesus Christ tried to convert all the witches, and took their holidays and mixed them with their own beliefs. So Easter and Christmas and other witch holidays were named Christian. Eventually ppl forgot that they were Wiccan holidays, and the Church (much power at this time) declared that all witches were the devil's minions, and then there was a witch holocaust. Any woman caught doing things that a "lady" shouldn't do, and only a man could do, was labeled a witch and killed on sight.  

    Not many ppl know too much about Wicca because many ppl are Christian, and their New Testament claims that reading, and learning, and practicing Wicca is a sin. So many Christians are fearful and feel like "sinners", and feel they will be damned if they show interest.

    Basically, yes, you could be a witch (Wiccan or Pagan) and a Christian. Though many find it contradictory. You may love Christ and all of his wonderful teachings, though his re-written testaments may say otherwise.

    Remember, Jesus is a loving person. And Let your Lord and/or G-d(s) judge, not your neighbor or priest. Being a witch is not sinful, it is based upon practicing a nature based religion that helps ppl grow close to nature, love one another, and all the magic life has to offer.

    Many ppl will not understand or accept you due to ignorance and lack of knowledge, but deep down, you can love your G-d and be a witch. It's perfectly fine. Just be prepared to fight your own battles. : )

    Oh, and check out my witch posting from earlier, on how to be a witch, it might help.  

  6. You shouldn't be practising witchcraft at all. It is dangerous and whatever power that an individual may get from it it only comes at a very dangerous price. Consider the following scriptures:

    1. 2 corinthians 6 verse 14

    Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

    2,John.12 verses 35-36, 46

    [35] Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.

    [36] While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.

    [46] I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

    3.2Cor.2 verse 11

    [11] Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

    4.Rev.21 verse 8

    [8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

  7. Witchcraft is real but it is definitely a sin, so if you are practicing you are disobeying god's will, and remeber you can only serve one God....i advise you to read the bible... because the bible is our guidance of how to live purely and saintly for God and there you'll find that all that withcraft is evil, in the bible you will find the truth.

  8. You say that you are a Christian then why have you not read your bible.

    Galatians 5:19 -21 and they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

  9. Sure! Just like I can be in the KKK and married to a Black woman! Anything is possible!

    Apparently, no one in Mythology & Folklore gets sarcasm.

  10. I think there is a difference between wicca & the occult. If you read through the bible there are many places were you can see what may now be deemed witchcraft by some Christians. We had Jacob that read dreams, we had the Ephod that the priest would use to predict the future of battles...  i mean even the 3 wise men followed a "star" which could be interpretted as astrology... not something approved of in today's church.

    I think to an extent that you can have an ecclectic religious belief system & still serve God. I mean the Assemblies of God believe in hands on healing, speaking in tongues for divination, prayer groups to change the course of someones life.... many times i have seen women go to the altar to pray for a husband, child, etc.... all in the name of God, yet if they did that with candles & prayers to other gods/goddesses it would be deemed witchcraft

  11. You say you are a "strong Christian" and yet you ask a question that contradicts the Word of God.  "Grandma" & "Average Joe" hit the nail on the head.  Galatians 5:19-21.  If in fact you actually are a sincere "Christian," then by definition, you must follow the Bible, which is the Word of God.  Sorry, but there really is no other answer, unless of course you aren't such a "strong Christian", and then you can pretty-much make up your own rules, which a whole lot of people do, as is evidenced by some of your answers here.  (I hate being so blunt, but sometimes you just have to be.)

    Yes, I know, I will get a whole lot of thumbs down.  It still doesn't make a truth anything other than a truth.


  12. the answer is:No chances at all.

  13. witchcraft goes against christian beliefs. witchcraft is the use of magical or supernatural powers, and isn't actually real.

    and from a christiasn perspective think of the story where moses turns his staff into a snake, only God has these kinds of powers not people.

  14. If you are a christian in the sense that you believe that Jesus came died on the cross and rose again and now sits at the right hand of his father and believe that by his death on he cross that you are forgiven of your sins, then you already know the answer to that question. You know that it is evil and it is satan in disquise. But if you call yourself christian because you just do for no other reason, then let me tell you that yes it is evil and no you can't be a christian and practice witchcraft, witchcraft, wicca whatever you want to call it, it is all from satan and evil.

    God says in Isaiah 44: 6 I am first, I am the last, besides me there is no other God.

    It's funny how we try to change God's word around to suit our own lifestyles.  Jesus also tells us that no man comes to the father but by me. There is no way to get to Heaven but by the cross that Jesus gave his life on. There are no other Gods there is not a woman god, only God himself.

    Satan comes to deceive and destroy and what may seem like harmless fun or what may seem right in mens eyes  may in fact lead to destruction. And if you are following any other way but Gods way and what the Bible says, you are being deceived and following a very dangerous path.

  15. (Deuteronomy 18:10-13) . . .There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For everybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable things Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you. 13 You should prove yourself faultless with Jehovah your God.

  16. I wouldn't try it.  Although Wiccans maintain that they are simply practicing an ancient fertility or nature religion, that religion is not Christianity.  It puzzles me that anyone would turn to that religion from one that promises eternal life and forgiveness of sins.. Furthermore, if witchcraft "works," who MAKES it work?

  17. No.

    Galatians 5:

    19Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

    20Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

    21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

    Notice that witchcraft specifically is named.

  18. First of all, no. If you are a Christian that actually follows the Bible, the Bible says something like "never suffer a witch to live." Or, in other words, kill dem b4d witchies!

    Secondly, Wicca is a religion and not all Wiccan are witches. Many other people of various religions (even athiests) can be witches.

    Thirdly, how "real" witchcraft is depends on if you believe it is real. I believe it is very real and practice it but other people would say it was all fake.

    Lastly, what do you mean you "should never of second guessed [your] religion?" If you let your religion dictate you life like that, maybe you should second-guess it. I can't believe you're actually letting a book that isn't actually verified as real stop you from looking into other pratices... Erm, sorry. I'm in little bit of a rant mode. -__-' Forgive me.



  19. Witchcraft and Wicca are both real, and they are two separate concepts, although they are often closely intertwined.

    Witchcraft is a magical practice, not a religious one, so yes, you can be both a witch and a Christian--though your pastor might disagree.  You can practice witchcraft and be of any religion, but some religions and denominations are more tolerant of it than others.

    It can be difficult to find instruction that separates the magical from the religious--start by looking for books on "practical witchcraft."  Make friends with the clerk at your local new-age bookstore, and don't be afraid to ask for help finding what you need.  Odds are, if they don't stock it, they'll be willing to order it for you.

    One final note:  Like anything else, witchcraft is work.  You have to put in some serious time, study, and practice before you get good at it.  Just like any other art.

  20. Many translation mishaps in the Bible, witch being one of them.

    When the Bible was written, a witch was a person who poisons others, uses magic to harm others, uses magic in defiance of God.

    Wicca is a religion, while witchcraft is like said in the name, a craft a practice. You don't have to be Wiccan to practice witchcraft,you can be essentially any faith

    I believe in God, Jesus, Saints Angels, but I don't take the Bible to heart because it may be God's book, but he didn't physically write it, man did.

    I believe witchcraft is real, I am a practicing witch. But I also believe in god.

    There isn’t any harm in looking into something new, and if you find it isn’t for you than that’s fine. Just if you decide to begin practicing read a lot and study.

    Some authors: Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland

    EDIT- I find it funny how people can see fit to thumbs down people who are giving opinions on their own beliefs...that's sort of like judging, isn't God only supposed to do that?

  21. yes witchcraft is real. and the second answer yes too.  I'm half christian and half Wicca. every night when i say my prayers i address god the lord and the lady and thank them for protecting everyone that i love. You can do anything you want to. you dont have to be full wiccan. I'm not. i dont do all the group gatherings, im like a solitary practicer. hope this helps

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