
Can you predict the year in which earth is going to be vanished?

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  1. Never. While its true that the Sun will swell into a Red Giant star as it dies, the star doesn't "swallow" everything. Yes Mercury will probably go, but thats not much of a loss eh? Remember it gets BIGGER but not it expands it loses its mass and actually becomes lighter, causing the orbits of the planets to move outwards as they come under less effects. What happens next is the sun becomes so hot that the oceans of earth evaporate, the surface of the Earth and possibly Mars melt, turning into a large pile of slag. Afterwards the sun sheds its layers in a great final death throe starting a beautiful "planetary nebula" (nothing to do with the planets, just how it looks), leaving a dying and cooling core called a "white dwarf", only a few hundred to thousand kilometers in diameter. Earth will go from molten slag to frozen wasteland. Haunting picture, but remember its so far in the future we have more to worry about.

  2. Anybody can predict anything they like, so of course I can (bearing in mind this use of "be vanished" is poor grammar).  I don't need a reason.  My prediction is likely to be as reliable as a chocolate teapot.

  3. After 4.75 billion years.We are in the middle of the life of earth.This is what science says.

  4. If I even tell u the year..... u won't be alive for that time.

    But do you think that Earth is going to be vanished?

    I don't think so. Only the humans will get vanished from this earth due to unsuitable conditions.

  5. when mankind gets cocky enough that everyone goes swimming right after they eat, then cockroaches will rule the world, then twinkies will take them over.

  6. I can but I doubt very seriously that I would be accurate.

  7. i read somewere that the sun will destroy the earth in 3 billion years. But by the year 2 billion he planet will be uninhabitable

    and by 1 billion will top getting snow.

    WE WILL BE LONG DEAD unless we destroy the planet :( :)

  8. no one knows the future. but one thing is sure that the cause of earth's death will be either we humans or some sort of celestial body like asteroid or sun

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