
Can you prepare for a half-marathon in 8 weeks?

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I'm an on/off runner. And the last 10k I did (July '07) was in an hour or so.

Is it possible to train from scratch for a half-marathon in 8 weeks? I've never run this distance before.




  1. yes

  2. 8 weeks is a bit short but with a little persistance you will do it

  3. My friend, ( AGE 40 ) did a half marathon, with no training at all. And came in 34th ( out ot 372 ) and the only thing he'd run for in the past 20yrs

    was a bus. So yes.

    Good luck.

  4. Yes, you can.  You may not achieve a world-class time, but if you train seriously you will finish respectably.

  5. yes, start with doing small distances then work bigger, also eat a healthy diet.

  6. Possibly.

    I'm not really a runner but I can.

    I have ran marathons and half marathons but very infrequently.

    I keep fit but have not ran since my last marathon 2 years ago but I believe that I could run 13 miles tomorrow morning.

    Do you keep fit at all, are you motivated?

    These are important factors in determining your possibility of achieving your goal.

    Your mentality is as important as your physical fitness if not more.

    I would think you can do it.

    I find it is easier to do a half or full marathon the day than it is to do it in training because of the crowds to help keep you going.

    a training method I used all the time was to run half your distance away from home, say 3-5 miles them you have to do the same to get back home.

    10k is just under a quarter marathon.

    I have faith in you.  

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