
Can you prevent prostate cancer masturbating?

by Guest60331  |  earlier

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Can you prevent prostate cancer masturbating?




  1. scary i just finshed it was good but i hope so cause i definantly wont get prostate cancer then.

  2. a **** a day helps keep the doc away:) lol studies have shown that men who m********e often(5 or so times) have less problems in that area later down the track:)

  3. I've heard that it can help. But it's not an absolute prevention by any means.

  4. I have heard that it can help..

    Because the prostate is a muscle.. and you need to exercise it.  

  5. No, Cancer is a mystery

  6. m********e often. just wash tus manos.

  7. Recent reports indicate that men who m********e on an average of five times per week have less prostatic problems and prostate cancer in later life.

    It won't prevent prostate cancer, per se, but it helps to maintain prostate health.     Inflammation of the prostate can lead to prostatic cancer.

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