
Can you proofread this for me?

by  |  earlier

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I know I'm not the best writer out there, and on top of that, I'm human too. I make mistakes and I'm not perfect. I am probably at or less than average in writing (State of Ohio says I'm above average). My goal when I started typing this dream wasn't aimed to be "perfect", but merely just to tell the dream I had. I'm not a good story teller and never claimed to be one. My talents lie in other areas such as math, science, woodworking, business, archery, etc. Anyways, thanks for your opinions!




  1. Here's my take on your errors:

    I know I'm not the best writer out there and on top of that, I'm human too. I make mistakes and I'm not perfect. I am probably at the level of average or slighly less than average in writing ability (State of Ohio says I'm above average). My goal when I started typing this dream wasn't aimed at perfection, but merely at relating the dream I had. I'm not a good story teller and have never claimed to be one. My talents lie in other areas such as mathematics, science, woodworking, business, archery, etc. Anyway, thanks for your opinions!

    I think your attempt is pretty good. It's nice to see someone who wants to better themselves and accept advice from others. Never let your perceived inabilities get in the way of your writing. You can always get someone to check it out.

  2. Did you mean to attach a link or do you want people to proof read your question?

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