
Can you prove to me that we, human beings, have souls?

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What makes some people believe that we have eternal souls?




  1. Our inner being, thoughts, forethoughts, consciousness etc... tells us that we have a deeper inner self which is our own souls that show us who we truly are.

  2. Can you prove to me that we don't?

  3. Yes,because otherwise paradise would be empty and I would not get the 72 virgins which Muhammad promised me..  

  4. It's in the bible that we are souls! Don't you read the bible?

    BUT! The soul is NOT eternal.

    The bible says that the soul that is sinning will die.

  5. I have no proof for you.

    I just cannot imagine that you don't feel it.  That is just me, I guess.

    I have no doubt that animals have souls too.

  6. nope, and don't care to, you've already close your mind, and wouldn't listen to sound reason.

  7. It's all semantics, really.

    I believe that who we are, really....if you take away our physical forms....THAT is eternal (We don't actually HAVE souls, we ARE souls).

    A good scientific way of explaining this is the existence of free choice. if we were simply a part of this closed system we call the Universe, subject to all the cause and effect laws that govern all matter and energy, we would in theory have NO choice in anything we do. Every action we take would be a direct or indirect result of something that had come before, and there is no chance of taking another path.

    However, since much study into the field of Quantum Mechanics has given fairly solid evidence of the existence of parallel worlds and realities, this means that other possible paths exists potentially, meaning we DO have a choice. Which in turn means, we are not entirely part of this universe, but exist seperate from it in a way....which is why we are able to affect changes here.

  8. Scientifically the closest to the soul would be the mind.

    1) We have a non-material mind or self which acts upon, and is influenced by, our material brains; there is a mental world in addition to the physical world, and the two interact. However, Eccles denies that the mind is a type of nonphysical substance (as it is in Cartesian dualism), and says that it merely belongs to a different world. But unless our mind (and the world in which it exists) is pure nothingness -- in which case it would not exist -- it must be composed of finer grades of energy-substance.

    ...if the mind can alter the probability of neural events, it is more likely that it does so by means of subtler, etheric types of force or energy, acting at the quantum or subquantum level.

    2) Theologically, man has both soul and spirit. (Abbot Vonier)

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards.

  9. I think RC Guy said it quite well.

    It's odd that those who do not believe in a soul, accept without hesitation that we somehow have a moral compass, an interest in why we are here that we even know we are "we".   Sentient beings "just happened", you know?  

    And * we * are accused of accepting concepts "just because".

    The consideration of having a soul pulls a brick out of the "see-it-to-believe-it" mindset; a HUGE brick, in my opinion.  Once you consider that you might have a soul, other questions may surface.  Ones you'd rather not investigate.

  10. Adam [ all of him ], became a living soul. Psm.7:2; Your soul is all of you. Gen.3:19; Psm.104:29,30; Eccl.3:19-21; 12:7;  Isa.26:19; 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53; Acts 2:27-35;

  11. The Bible says we do.

    Many ppl have died, seen the afterlife, and have been revived.  That is full proof right there.  

  12. Can you prove we don't? Until then we have a stale mate and I am free to believe as I do as are you free to believe what you want. And for the record I do believe animals have souls.

  13. I can't prove the sun will rise tomorrow.Some things have to be taken on faith.

  14. We don't HAVE souls. We ARE souls!

    Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    C.S. Lewis properly says that we are not bodies that have souls, We are souls that have bodies!

  15. the god delusion makes them believe in fake things like souls.

  16. Try thinking about how humans are different from other creatures on earth.  Some animals look something like us, but not one animal has a mind.  Not one can produce great music or great art.  Not one can type out a question to Yahoo Answers to ask even the simplest question, let alone a question about something invisible like a soul.

    And not one other creature knows that there's such a thing as good and bad.

    The mind - and the spirit - are what make us similar to God and the angels.  Quite a nice crowd to be in!

  17. For one thing, we don't HAVE souls; we ARE souls.

    Genesis 2:7 says that when God breathed into Man's nostrils, "he BECAME a living soul". Notice that it doesn't say "he RECEIVED a soul".

    This is God's formula for life according to the Bible:



    Think of it like a lightbulb. The lightbulb represents the body. The electricity represents the "Breath of life", and the light that is produced represents the "soul", which is the body and breath combined.

    When you turn off the electricity (death), you are left with the lightbulb (body). Where does the light go? Nowhere. It ceases to exist.

    So, the "soul" (which is just us alive) is not immortal. The Bible says that God alone is immortal. Immortality is a gift that He will bestow only upon the Saved, and then only at Christ's return.

  18. of course we do. we were created by God and he breathed life into us and we were given a soul. i believe this through faith, and my Bible. I agree with an answer above - try to convince me we don't. We have emotions, we think for ourself, we make desicions. we are more than just humans, there is more to us than there is to an animal.

  19. well animals do not speak or love like people,

    and do not pray, that is my first thought.

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