
Can you provide any evidence to support your statement that global warming is natural?

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ive heard allot of, "its all natural arguments" but what evidence do you have.

for example, proof that greenhouse gasses are having an effect.

"The combination of a unique level of temperature increase in the late 20th century and improved constraints on the role of natural variability provides further evidence that the greenhouse effect has already established itself above the level of natural variability in the climate system."




  1. These sites give a good explanation.

    Basically, we can look at the past and see that the current temps are not out of line with historic ranges. Also, during the previous warming periods, there was no positive feedback effect which caused the system to spiral out of control. In today's AGW loony reports, they achieve all of their catastrophic claims by adding in positive effects. Why are they adding in these effects now, when they never occured in the past?

  2. Yeah, the exact same thing happened 1000 years ago.

    There's also the fact that despite continued CO2 increases the temperatures stopped increasing before the 21st century began.

  3. can you prove that global warming is man made? no you cant because we dont understand the science behind global warming. look at the geological record and you will find that the earth has been much hotter, on the order of 10 degrees hotter in fact, in the past. the geological record also shows that global temperature change is a normal event, and the temps go up and down at times slowly, and at other times as fast as turning on a light switch(geologically speaking). the global temp increased about 1 degree over the past 150 years, and has dropped about 1 degree in the past year.

    understand that there are many things that affect the global temperatures, and anything man does is a microscopically small part. remember that in the early 70's the mantra was we have to do something about global cooling. this mantra changes about every 30 years or so as climatologists keep looking at the global temps, and make judgments on where the temps are heading and why without understanding the science behind the events. the you get people like al gore screaming that we have to do something now otherwise things will be irreversible again despite the fact that they have no real evidence of that.

    at some point in time cooler heads must prevail, and proper study must be done to learn the science, and then we can decide to do something, or not. until then however it is best we leave well enough alone to avoid either spending good money after bad, or fixing things to the point where the temps do things we never intended them to do.

  4. 99.9% (or more) of the heat on the earth comes from the Sun.

    The other 0.1%  (or less) of the heat on earth comes from within.

    Man is a "natural" creature - that is, he is no more supernatural than the sun or the earth.

    Therefore, all warming and cooling of the Earth is natural.

  5. no

  6. All relevant and thoroughly peer reviewed datasets now show that CO2 concentrations lag temperature change, meaning simply that CO2 can not possibly be causing global warming anymore than something that happens next month can be causing what is happening today.

  7. There simply is none.  The deniers can only use past data (i.e. previous warmings were natural) or misinformation (i.e. the exact same thing has happened before, global warming has stopped).

    Fact is that we're in a stable portion of the Earth's orbital cycles, solar irradiance has remained steady for the past 30 years, and all evidence shows that the current warming is anthropogenic (i.e. decreasing diurnal temperature range, cooling upper atmosphere).

    Claiming that the current warming is natural is simply a sign of ignorance, denial, or both.

  8. Well, proof that greenhouse gases are not having an effect.

    Oops!  I forgot that there is an overwhelming consensus with no one disputing the "fact" of AGW.

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