
Can you put TOO much hair products in your hair?

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i use a lot of dif products

and i was wondering if you use it too much does it make do the reverse and HURT your hair




  1. yes

    but their is shampoos

    that help damaged hair

  2. yah it will hurt it and it it make you take a shower everyday and it takes a lot of work to do it up again and if will make is chunky and gunky and greasy it wont leave it soft and silky

  3. nah ur good

  4. It could damage your hair.

    But it would most likely make your hair look sorta greasy & oily.

    So my suggestion would be to not use so many, and find a product that does the whole job, and limit yourselve to maybe about 3-4 products, then your all good. (:

    And if you want to 'fix' your hair after all the damage you maybe have already created, I would suggest just using a special type of shampoo/conditioner.

    So pretty much you may be hurting your hair, but there's a way out of it. :P

    --hope i helped.

    -summer /


  5. you can't put too much in your hair but if you put a lot it might look greasy and gross

  6. Oh yeah. I put too much gel in my hair for years. Now my hair is addicted to that Paul Mitchell stuff and it is acting like a junkie. It wants me to keep feeding it more gel. Well, it's gonna stop. It's gonna stop right here right now. My hair is going to rehab and it is going to learn how to be responsible for its own actions.

  7. Of course you can.  It may not hurt the hair -- but look up "antimacassar" and find out what they were used for.

  8. yeah it could cause you to lose your hair over time

  9. I haven't heard of it hurting you hair but it may. I know putting too much product in your hair makes it very oily and doesn't make it look so great.

    Hope this helps

  10. Yes.

  11. Yup yup. OF course you know its horrible for your hair if you die it too much.

  12. If you use a lot of product in your hair try a clarifying shampoo a couple times a week.  It cleans the product out a lot better than the daily type shampoos do.  

    Also if you use too much product it tends to weigh you hair down, so if you are looking for volume its not helpful.  

    A lot of product can take away from the shine of your hair as well.  

    Check out what you have and what you need to use...try to go with less and less and see where it takes you.  Could save you some money to cut back as well...

  13. yes...once an a while take a break from all of the products u r using because it will eventually damage ur hair  

  14. for sure my girlfriend went bald because of putting som much stuff in her hair...think about its living thing how much can it take be for it dies:))))

  15. It all depends on the type of product that you are putting in your hair. Try some Aveda products. They are environmentally friendly and don't have harmful chemicals. Some of my favorites are hang straight, hair potion and

  16. yes

  17. yeah, i stopped using hard hairspray cuz then my boyfriend couldn't play with it, and guys like soft plus it starts to look greasy.

  18. ohh yes. and it can get all greasy and goey and stiff. be careful!

  19. yea!  Just think of it as putting globs and globs of CHEMICALS in your hair.

  20. YES have you heard of dandruff? all those hair products build up and that build up turns into white, icky stuff attached to your scalp, Do you really want that, i don't think so but if it happens you should use a dandruff shampoo and scrub your scalp really hard.

  21. Oh yes, you can get buildup.  That is when the product you use leaves a coating on the hair and is not removed by shampooing.  Yes, it does happen!  Some products are very hard to get rid of.

    By continually using these products over a period of time, you will get buildup, layer on layer.  You will notice that your hair just isn't behaving properly, that it feels funny, or not real.  This is most noticeable with hair colours, sometimes with certain brands of shampoo and conditioner.  I've seen hair spray buildup that just would NOT wash out.

    There is also the situation when you use too much of a product each time.  Most people use way too much, thinking that more is better.  But that is just a complete waste of money.  Sometimes your hair can only absorb a certain amount -- the rest is waste.  You cannot force more into your hair!  It just means you need several treatments to get the best results -- one time does not always work.

    Does a buildup hurt your hair?  It may not actually damage your hair, but it may create problems for you.  You will find that styling just is too difficult, it won't hold its shape, colours are uneven, perming or relaxing "don't take".  The coatings interfere with any process.  Then there is the situation where the coatings start to peel looks like dandruff!  Or you think you have split ends.  It just looks gross.

    Okay, so you have a buildup -- how to remove it?  There are some products made to remove any coatings on the hair. Check with each line of products to see if they have one.  One simple home-made solution is to mix about 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 8 oz of warm water, and work that through your hair.  Be sure to work it well into all the hair strands, especially those that are most affected.  Then rinse well.  You can do this before, or after, a shampoo.  See if that helps.

  22. Actually, anything you do to your damages it. even when you brush it. The more chemicals you put in it however, the more risk of breakage and damage. Your're technically frying your hair. Just keep it simple. Find out your hair and scalp type and use products accordingly.

  23. you can

    probably its all chemicals

  24. Yeah like hair dye, it makes your hair die!!

  25. Too much hairspray to already dry hair will make the hair brittle and weak. If you have oily hair, hairspray helps the oils to be dried out.

    Shampoo is naturally damaging because you are stripping natural oils.

    It is not how much product you use, its using the correct products for  your hair, and getting haircuts regularly. The damage will only be on the ends of the strands, so cut off that dead stuff often.

    And, some people need a lot of products to make their hair managable and to acheive a style that does not come naturally. So I say, enjoy the products and see your hairstylist more than your doctor!

  26. YES.

    Using too much hairspray, gel, mousse, ect is horrible for your hair.

    it causes your hair to tangle easily and break if used to often and if you dont wash it out at night.

  27. yeah it will

    it weakens your roots  

  28. yes.

    product buildup can hurt your hair . that's why you need a good shampoo/conditioner to get it out. try to use as less as you can the most like 3 products.  

  29. yes, i believe so. hair products don't just weigh down your hair if u use too much but also if u use ones to make your hair soft or moistorize it your scalp won't have to produce as much oil to nourish your hair so if u stop using the products your hair might be dry for a while until your hair gets use too it

  30. yeah it can clog up your hair an make it greasy

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