
Can you put a crayfish and a fire bellied newt in the same tank?

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Can you put a crayfish and a fire bellied newt in the same tank?




  1. if you want the newt ot die yes

  2. No the crayfish will difinetly attack to newt hands down and may injure or kill the newt.

  3. Depends on the size, but one will eat the other eventually. If you had a very small crayfish, or vice versa Also, they need different water temperatures, etc to survive.

  4. The newt is a soft-bodied, not particularly agressive amphibian. The crayfish can be a territorial b*****d, and between the hard, spiny exoskeleton and the ability to squeeze very forcefully with the's not a pretty picture for the newt. Not a good idea to pair the two.

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