
Can you put a green iguana and a water dragon together?

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I just got a baby water dragon today, and i have a baby green iguana in a larger cage and the water dragons cage is a 10 gallon ( way smaller ) and i wanted to know if they can be caged together?




  1. its not good because if you put the iguana in it only eats soley vegetable diets and are easily stressed when baby's and the water dragons eat crickets and bugs and if together may stress them out for Territorial reasons and it may be a problem because iguanas need a adult tank around 6 feet wide and 6 feet tall and it may be too small for two lizards that are big so the best thing is to keep then in separate tanks and keep them apart and the water dragons need water so look up care sheets on the internet

  2. Absolutely NOT!  You've got two different reptiles each with different habitat, lighting, humidity and dietary requirements.  Housing them together for even a brief period of time is a very, very bad idea.

  3. No! You have two entirely different lizards here. One is vegetarian and the other is a meat/insect eater first off. You also have different environmental needs and temperature needs. Also understand that with Iguanas, when they are babies, to be blunt, they think everything is out to eat them so they are constantly on edge (until you can convince them otherwise)!! The stress alone that you would cause the Iggie with the bearded dragon would not be good. I would hazard a guess and say that if you did keep the two together and by chance nothing went 'wrong', that Iggie is going to be psycho before its over and not a good handleable pet.

    Plus think of the bacterial exchange between the two when its p**p time. Not cool. I am more familiar with Iguanas then Bearded Dragons to be honest, so just thinking on this from the Iguanas point of view no way would I mix them together!!

    And make sure when you handle one that you wash up well before handling the other!

    I know Iguanas are carriers of salmonella and I would imagine can pass that onto the bearded dragon through its p**p. Just because the two are lizards does not mean they could co-habitat together without problems to one or the other.  

    Depending on how big your bearded dragon is, a 10 gallon tank should be fine for it for now. Just plan on getting a bigger tank for it and please don't mix the two together in the same cage. One of the two, or both,  is going to get the short end of the deal for sure.  

  4. yes they can. but they do need a little differents. such as the dragon needs food like insects or mice. put mainly yes

  5. dont mix species

  6. NO! They can kill each other when housed together.

    It is extremely dangerous to both species. As babies they may get along and they may not. They are both territorial animals and do not live even with their own species in the wild.

    If you house them together you are going to kill one of them.

    Sorry for being so harsh, i just dont want you to feel bad knowing you may have caused it.

    I hope you do the right thing.

  7. no no no absolutely not. You can not have community tanks..

    Why the h**l would you make shane the best answer when it is obvious that he is wrong. He is just telling you what you wish to hear. They WILL not survive. Sure maybe in 5 days you will be saying ha ha Jamie. But in a few months when the Iguana matures and goes into breeding mode your water dragon will be dead.

    Here look the testimonials of long time water dragon owners. give them time to answer.

    And long time Iguana owners.

  8. it would be best to keep them separate

  9. No! they are two different reptiles.  they need different temp in the cage, different humidity, and different climates. no no no i would not recommend this at all

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