
Can you put a volume limit on any tv?

by  |  earlier

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my brother is an ******** he never turns down the tv when i tell him to i'm the smart one so he'll be pissed cuz he won't know how to restore it to factory settings, but i still can't figure out how to volume limit on his tv>>>




  1. It is not possible to put a volume limit on a television.

  2. Try this.

    1)Hit the tv with a golf club.

    2)Chech the volume

    3)Hit again until volume is reasonable.

  3. There is but I'm not sure if it can be done on the newer TVs.  I saw it done by a repairman on my parent's TV but to make it louder 30 years ago.  It was a Sears made in the early '70's.  The TV was getting old and even if you turned it wide open it had little volume.  Whatever that repairman did to it made it work!  All he did was turn some noob inside the TV.

  4. Some TV's have a hotel mode feature, ask your local repair shop if your TV has this feature, this is for the exact reason you state, because some ********'s turn the TV up too loud in a hotel while not caring about the people next door. Alot of TV's will have a special service mode, it's not recommended you do it yourself, but if you do look into get, look for a menu setting called MAXVOL, Max Volume or VMAX, I have seen this on a few sets before. Last, but not least, ask the TV repair shop if they could but a current limiting resistor on the speaker terminals to cut the volume. This can be achieved in a number of ways, Manufactorers have thought about this too, and BOO to all the other answers in the topic who said it can't and were abusive over it.. - my email is availiable if u want to email me the model number from the back of the TV, and the brand, and I'll see if I have any information about it

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