
Can you put aside your dislike against Christians when you vote for Obama?

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He might believe in evolution but as a Christian he believes God is the Creator.




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  2. If I do get to vote this year, I would only consider their religion if it interferes with their work.

  3. If I had the right to vote, I'd vote for competent people.

    Religion has nothing to do of my choice of competent people.

  4. It is my exterme dislike of the fanatical Christian right that forces me to vote for Obama on this particular subject.

  5. Suppose you dislike muppets, and all presidential candidates who have a real chance to win are muppets. What would you do?

  6. My dislike of religion is no factor in who I do or do not vote for president.


    Why on earth should you care if he is a Muslim or not? If you think he will do a good job as president, vote for him. If you don't think so, vote for someone else. Simple as that. Keep religion OUT of it.

  7. I wouldn't vote for Obama because he wants to stop Constellation Project on 5 years. that sucks.

  8. Disagreeing with Christianity and disliking Christians are two different things.  I intend to vote for Obama...I trust he realizes there is a difference between religion and government.

    edit: Judging by your questions, something tells me you are not even old enough to vote.

  9. One should have nothing to do with the other, yet I am a Christian and love others no matter whom  they Choose to vote for. Obama Rocks.

  10. I respect Christians, I do not respect Christianity.

  11. Can you show me where he said he accepts in evolution and believes in god.

    Also I would still vote for him. Religion should have nothing to do with politics.

  12. Yeah, I really have nothing against most Christians.. Besides the nut cases like Ted haggard, Kirk Cameron, Kent Hovind and the like.. The ones that are either really dumb, or straight out lying.

    It is organized Christianity that I dislike, and Obama seems to be a little less adamant about forcing it into the government.

  13. One has to put aside dislike of Christians for every election in America.  Can you imagine a non-xian being elected to public office?  

  14. I hope people can. he is not my choice, but I really hope he is a Christian like he says and not a Muslim

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