
Can you put fish and newts in the same tank???

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we are planning on getting newts and putting them in with our fish would they get along or no?




  1. keep the sizes of each nonthreatening to the other. i have an adult paddle-tail newt that is about 4.5" long, and i FEED it guppies, small ones.

    and yes, newts produce toxins and harmful excretions, but it should be fine for the fish to live with if properly maintained and kept with a filter.

    also make sure the newt and fish can live in the same temperature water. some newts, like alpine newts, require cooler water and fish require warmer water.

  2. this is a pretty hot topic for ages the standard answer was yeah it'll be fine. now thinking is changing (for my oppion for the better) fish and newts both produce alot of waste making for bad water quality couple this with the fact many newts dont like powerful currents it can make keeping the water in good condition a bit of a chore.

    also many newts have skin toxins that can make fish ill.

    finally there the chance of stress or injury your pets if a fish get eaten by a newts and a bone gets lodged in it mouth can be very bad or the newts might not want to go into the water because of the presence of the fish. check out the links on this page to some stories of this simple idea going wrong.

    hope this helps u make up your mind personally i would never put newts and fish together

  3. Yes you CAN put newts with fish because thats what they do in petstores and thats what we do at home,i have 6 fire belly newts with my guppies and they work perfectly!My newts always cling onto my guppies back while landing off a lilly pad!lol

  4. i dont think so cause once i had a mud puppy ( kind of like a newt)  and some other normal fishtank fish and they ate the mud puppy!  i was so sad it was scared and hiding in the castle and they ate it to ddeath.  :-(

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