
Can you put reccorded shows from a dish DVR into an mp3?

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by plugging in the usb of my mp3 into the DVR,i want to know how, if there is a way




  1. Firstly, MP3 is audio-only, so you'd only get the soundtrack not any TV images. Secondly, I don't think the USB port on a DVR is designed for that use and even if you could plug in your USB MP3 player, you would first need some way of converting the sound on the DVR (which is probably stored as PCM audio) into MP3. Best way to do this is use audio cables from the DVR into your "line-in" on your PC or laptop, record the audio using whatever software you prefer onto the laptop, and then convert the recorded audio into MP3 format. There are many tools that can help you do this.

  2. No, wrong format.  

    copy from dvr to dvd player.  then dvd to computer and find a converter program.  then finally to mp3.  wow, just buy it instead.

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